3com and Netcom LOT for Sale Working when Decommissioned

3com and Netcom LOT for Sale Working when Decommissioned


QTY/Manufacturer/Model Number

154  3com 3CSFP91
18  3com 3CXFP92
6  3com 3CSFP93
1  3com 3C14821
1  3com 3C14838
2  3com 3C14851A
2  3com 3C17506A
1  3com 3C17507A
1  3com 3C17509
1  3com 3C13634
1  3com 3CRWX
1  3com 3C37075A
1  3com 3C13616
1  3com 3CRTPX506-96
56  Netcom GX-1405B
29  Netcom ML-7710
11  Netcom SX-7205
4  Netcom SX-7405
2  Netcom GX1405
6  Netcom SX-7410
9  Netcom SMB 10
3  Netcom SMB 2000

Open to offers. Contact TEC today.

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Mike is a finance industry executive with expertise in test, IT and avionics equipment acquisition, resale, residual valuation, leasing, renting and consignment.
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