Agilent 33250A Arbitrary Waveform Generator Review

Agilent 33250A Arbitrary Waveform Generator Review

The Agilent 33250A is a powerful waveform generator that creates accurate and stable waveforms, employing direct digital-synthesis method to produce precise waveforms for numerous testing exercises. The 33250A can quickly provide users with a large range of waveforms. It is capable of creating high-accuracy sine waves as well as square waves with fast rise/fall times.


The 33250A waveform generator features a straightforward and user-friendly front panel. Operators can use the numeric keypad or the knob to adjust amplitude, frequency, and offset. Its design allows users to easily enter voltage values in different forms. An operator can input voltage directly in Vrms, Vpp, high/low levels, or dBm. In addition, it will allow technicians to enter timing parameters in seconds or Hertz (Hz), and also offers exceptional ramp linearity.

View a video tutorial on how to synchronize multiple agilent function generators.

The capability of the 33250A to generate arbitrary waveforms makes it a popular choice with users. It is suitable for generating arbitrary waveforms with 64K memory depth, 12-bit vertical resolution, and a 200 MSa/s sample rate. It will also allow for operators to store arbitrary waveforms in its non-volatile memory. Using this feature, you can store a maximum of four 64K-deep waveforms with user-defined names making it easier for one to identify an individual waveform from other data.

Simple to Use

The 33250A makes it simple for operators to edit, create, and download waveforms by use of the powerful Agilent IntuiLink software. The optional software will enables users to produce complex waveforms easily and quickly using its Arbitrary Waveform Editor. Technicians can capture waveforms using DMM or IntuiLink oscilloscope and output it to the generator. Programmers can use the ActiveX components to control the 33250A  using SCPI commands. The IntuiLink software features tools that are suitable for creating, downloading, and managing all types waveforms.


Learn more about IntuiLink Here

The Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator is also adept at generating simple pulses. It incorporates variable edge time, voltage level, and pulse width type applications. In addition, operators are able to quickly modulate waveforms using its powerful FSK, AM, and FM capabilities. This can be accomplished with or without a external source. With the frequency marker signal of the 33250A waveform generator, technicians can easily perform logarithmic or linear sweeps. The programmable gating and burst count of the 33250A also allows for easy customization of signals.

RS-232 and GPIB Interfaces

Users are able to easily connect the waveform generator to other instruments using its RS-232 and GPIB interfaces. The 33250A will support programmability via SCPI commands. Technicians will appreciate the easy to read, color graphical display that enhances visibility of waveform parameters and other details including the capability of displaying multiple waveform parameters concurrently. The graphical interface is designed to enable users to modify the arbitrary waveforms with ease. Its TCXO Timebase offers a 2 ppm frequency accuracy making it an excellent choice for numerous challenging and demanding applications.

Key Features

  • ●    Standard square, sine, noise, pulse, ramp, DC, and triangle waveforms included
  • ●    64K points available memory for waveforms
  • ●    Log/Linear burst and sweep
  • ●    Included IntuiLink Waveform Software

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Mike is a finance industry executive with expertise in test, IT and avionics equipment acquisition, resale, residual valuation, leasing, renting and consignment.
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