Agilent N4010A for Bluetooth and Wireless Device Test

Agilent N4010A for Bluetooth and Wireless Device Test

In the current design environment, bluetooth device manufacturers needing efficient and cost-effective testing solutions for enhancing the design and performance of their emerging bluetooth devices. TheAgilent N4010A testing system is a popular solution for testing all types of products that have embraced bluetooth, zigbee, and wireless connectivity technologies.

View the Agilent N4010A


A New Type of Test

The Agilent N4010A testing system for bluetooth and wireless devices offers a better alternative to expensive testing systems of similar scope. This wireless connectivity test set aids professionals to conduct cost-effective and efficient testing of products, which have embraced Bluetooth, Wireless LAN (WLAN), or other wireless connectivity technologies. With this testing set, you have the complete flexibility of testing the latest wireless connectivity technologies and standards, and that too in a highly efficient manner.

More Information on bluetooth devices.

The N4010A offers a versatile testing platform where you can configure and test a wide range of Bluetooth, ZigBee, or Wireless LAN (WLAN) devices used in R&D, performance verification, or manufacturing units. The unit’s multi port adapter is a 1/4-rack width unit, which may be used with the testing device to conduct production testing of multi port devices.


Core Functionalities of Agilent N4010A Testing Set

  • Single platform for testing different types of wireless connectivity technologies
  • Provides highly accurate measurements in a fast turnaround time
  • Enables repeatable results through the entire test cycle from development to production
  • Simplifies test sequence creation through the use of test automation software
  • Supports Agilent 89600B Vector Signal Analysis software or the N4018C Wireless Test Manager application for specialized tests of wireless formats in the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz bands.
  • Ability to provide fast and precise test results with integrated test sequencer

The advanced functionalities include blue tooth analysis with the use of N4017A Bluetooth Graphical Measurement Application, the ability to act as a blue tooth master to perform inquiry in Test or Normal mode, the capability for changing settings from blue tooth SIG settings to customized test settings.

Information on the ZigBee protocol can be found here.
The Agilent N4010A comes as a welcome testing solution in today’s highly competitive wireless technologies market. This testing system delivers very accurate results to aid manufacturing design efforts and verification tests in producing high-quality Bluetooth devices.

User Benefits of Agilent N4010A Testing Set

1. Unified platform for testing various wireless connectivity technologies without the needs for expensive equipment such as spectrum analyzers or golden radios.

2. Provides an integrated system containing vector signal generator and a wide-bandwidth signal analyzer.

3. Enables repeatable tests with accurate results

Capabilities Described

The core benefits of this testing set are a unified testing platform, the elimination of any expensive testing or measuring equipment, the ability to support the latest wireless connectivity technologies and standards, enabling repeatable results, complete product life-cycle testing for bluetooth devices. A refurbished Agilent N4010A Testing Set is a great value and can be purchased at significant savings off of new list price. In many situations rental and lease to own payment plans are also available depending on user needs.

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Mike is a finance industry executive with expertise in test, IT and avionics equipment acquisition, resale, residual valuation, leasing, renting and consignment.
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