Free Function Generator & Arbitrary Waveform Generator Guidebook

Free Function Generator & Arbitrary Waveform Generator Guidebook by BK Precision

Function and arbitrary waveform generators are among the most important and versatile pieces of electronic test equipment. In electronic design and troubleshooting, the circuit under scrutiny often requires a controllable signal to simulate its normal operation. The testing of physical systems and transducers often needs stable and reliable signals. The signal levels needed range from microvolts to tens of volts or more.

Download this Free Guidebook HERE (provided in the Adobe Acrobat PDF format)

BK Precision 4079 High Performance Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator

The 4079 is a versatile high performance dual channel function / arbitrary waveform generator with the largest arbitrary memory depth in its class. The generator combines the ability to produce nearly any conceivable arbitrary waveform with accuracy and precision and a DDS architecture offering easy to use conventional function generator capabilities. Arbitrary waveforms have 14 bit amplitude resolution, 125 MSa/s sample rate and up to 4 million points of length. Waveforms can be output in continuous, triggered, gated or burst modes. The instrument can be remotely controlled via GPIB or RS232 using SCPI-compliant commands. Extensive features such as waveform summing, internal or external AM, FM and FSK modulation along with versatile sweep capabilities and variable edge pulse generation make this generator suitable for a wide range of applications including electronic design, sensor simulation and functional test.

BK Precision 4086AWG  Laboratory Grade Synthesized Function Generator

BK Precision 4086AWG is a laboratory grade synthesized function generator with arbitrary capability. Direct digital synthesis (DDS) techniques are used to create stable, accurate output signals for all 27 built-in standard and complex (arbitrary) waveforms as well as custom arbitrary waveforms. The 4086AWG produces high purity, low distortion sine waves up to 80 MHz, square waves up to 40 MHz and provides extensive analog modulation capabilities including AM, FM, FSK, PSK, pulse modulation, burst mode and linear/logarithmic sweep combined with multiple trigger modes. The included intuitive Windows Software lets users create and edit custom arbitrary waveforms and download them with a single click to the instrument’s non volatile memory. Unmatched affordability and high performance make the 4086AWG a perfect fit for many applications in Electronic Test and Design, Sensor Simulation and Education and Training.

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Mike is a finance industry executive with expertise in test, IT and avionics equipment acquisition, resale, residual valuation, leasing, renting and consignment.
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