Introducing the NEW Leader LV5333 waveform monitor

Need a Waveform Monitor that can handle 3G-SDI signals?


Introducing the NEW Leader LV5333 waveform monitor. This is the latest addition to Leader’s line of powerful portable waveform monitors distributed by Test Equipment Connection. The LV5333 multi-SDI monitor features a color vectorscope and video signal waveform display along with the following functionality:

  • Accepts two 3G/HD/SD SDI inputs.
  • 6.5″ TFT LCD XGA Display.
  • Waveform Monitor, Vectorscope, Audio, Picture, and Status Displays – can be shown one at a time or in combination.
  • Cinelite® II (Cinelite & Cinezone), Cinelite® Advanced, Histogram, User Gamma Display, Gamut, and SDI Error Monitoring are standard.
  • Cable Length Measurement, External Phase Difference, Field Frequency Deviation Display included.
  • Monitors up to 16 channels of embedded audio signals.
  • AES/EBU output connector for two audio channels.
  • Includes capture function to capture the displayed image and save it to the internal memory (RAM) or to a USB memory device.
  • S-LOG2 Tools and Customizable False Colors Display (optional)

Contact Test Equipment Connection today for a quote.

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Mike is a finance industry executive with expertise in test, IT and avionics equipment acquisition, resale, residual valuation, leasing, renting and consignment.
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