Lab Standard Multi-Function Calibrators

Martel Millennium Series 3001 Precision Calibrators

The Martel 3001 Precision Calibrator combines the power and features of the M2001 (voltage, current, TC, RTD and pressure) with a second completely isolated measurement channel for a single laboratory calibration instrument unmatched in versatility, performance, and value. As with every Martel calibrator, the 3001’s world-class performance and features are accessed through a very simple-to-use, intuitive user interface. The Martel 3001 is truly a “process calibration laboratory in a box.”

Simple, Intuitive Interface
The 3001 provides simple, front-panel entry of mode, range, and value, using either direct key-board entry or cursor entry. Using cursor entry , the LEFT/RIGHT arrow keys are used to move the cursor under the digit in the display to be changed. The UP/DOWN arrow keys increment/decrement the value at the cursor position. Using direct keyboard entry, the exact value desired is entered using the numeric keys, and the ENTER key is pressed to set the output to that value. Whichever way you choose, setup is simple and fast. In the voltage output mode, the 3001 auto-ranges on the entered value for maximum accuracy at all times.

Total Setpoint Control
A SHIFT key provides easy access to the setpoint controls of the 3001. Up to nine setpoints can be defined for each output mode and each thermocouple and RTD type. Setpoints are recalled individually at the touch of three buttons, SHIFT, SETPOINT (SPT) button and then the corresponding numeric keys 1-9. Any number of sequential setpoints can
be stepped through automatically, with complete control of dwell time. Either way, for rapid setup of repeatable tests, no other instrument comes close to the Martel 3001.

Remote Control
All of the 3001 operating functions can be accessed via RS-232, IEEE-488 or USB using a standard PC running Fluke Met/Cal® software, Windows Hyper-terminal or other software using an ASCII protocol. Custom control programs may be written using programming software such as C++. Switching between LOCAL and REMOTE is as simple as touching the SHIFT and LOCAL buttons.

Rock-Solid Stability
The 3001 stability and accuracy is traceable to NIST standards. The accuracy of the 3001 is specified for both 90-day and one-year intervals. Manual zero calibrations can be made on all T/C and pressure functions to eliminate offsets.

Flexible Output
Five-way copper alloy binding posts provide a wide range of connection options. A standard pressure module connector is provided, as is the CJC T/C mini-jack.

Isolated Measurement Channel

The 3001 features a fully isolated measurement channel which allows the user to calibrate process transmitters and signal isolators. In reality it’s like having two instruments in one! This channel also incorporates a 24 volt loop power supply to power 2-wire transmitters and a HART interface resistor enabling direct connection to H.ART communicators.

Key features are:

  • Two voltage ranges 10V and 100V DC
  • Milliamp range 0 to 52mA
  • Milliamp range with simultaneous 24 volt power (0 to 24ma)
  • Selectable 250 ohm HART resistor Accuracy of 0.005% of reading on all ranges

Voltage Mode
The 3001 offers four precision voltage output ranges (100mV, 1V, 10V, and 100V) all with 0.003% (30ppm) accuracy. These ranges are ideal for calibrating a broad range of DC voltage instrumentation. Additionally all voltage outputs settle to full specification in less than 200ms making the 3001 ideal for automated calibration systems. An automatic stand-by mode (3) assures that output voltages above 30VDC must be acknowledged by the operator before the voltage appears at the output jacks. The stand-by mode is also triggered if the output current compliance is exceeded, thereby protecting the device under calibration.

Current Mode
The 3001 features a precision current output range (100mA) that offers 0.01% (100ppm) accuracy, which is ideal for calibrating process instrumentation especially 4 to 20mA equipment. With a full 12 volts of compliance at 100mA virtually any precision DC current measuring device can be calibrated using the 3001. Like the voltage ranges the current range offers quick settling time and an operate/stand-by mode.

Thermocouple Mode
The Martel 3001 can read and source any of 11 types of thermocouples. Its T/C input and output is Cold Junction Compensated, using an ultra-stable PT-1000 sensor.

RTD Mode
The 3001 can read and source 9 RTD types as well as YSI-400 and Ohms for non-standard curves. Probe coefficients (A, B, C, and R0) can be entered directly, with storage for up to five custom curves and one SPRT curve. The performance of the 3001 in the RTD mode compares to dedicated RTD measurement instruments. Unlike low-cost, less accurate RTD instruments, the display in the 3001 is always active, reading to three decimal places, using polynomial averaging to extract a high accuracy signal. The result is a very quiet, high accuracy reading.

Pressure Mode
The 3001 operates with all Martel BetaPort series pressure modules using the BPPA module adapter and covers pressure ranges from 0 to 10″ H2O to 10,000 psi. Pressure can be displayed in a wide range of engineering units with up to 0.025% Full Scale accuracy. The 3001 also supports Fluke 700 series modules and Mensor 6100 precision pressure modules.

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Mike is a finance industry executive with expertise in test, IT and avionics equipment acquisition, resale, residual valuation, leasing, renting and consignment.
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