Multifunction DC V/I/R Calibrator

The Time Electronics 1017 Multifunction Calibrator is designed for accuracy and reliability, while maintaining ease of use. It is a versatile calibration instrument that provides a high performance solution to voltage, current and resistance applications.

A high performance portable multifunction calibrator with voltage, current, and resistance ranges. The Time Electronics 1017 combines precision with simple operation, making it suitable for use in the workshop or field. Constructed in a compact and durable plastic case with a tilt stand/carry handle it takes up minimal bench space and is easily transportable. Five DC voltage ranges from 10mV to 100V full scale are available, each with a 6-digit (1ppm) resolution. The DC current range is 100mA full scale with a 100nA (1ppm) resolution. Resistance from 0.01Ω to 10kΩ is available 0.01Ω steps.

The 1017 can be powered from mains supply or by the internal rechargeable battery pack. Battery operation enables good performance where earth loop and noise pick-up occurs. When the calibrator is plugged into the mains supply the internal batteries will automatically start to recharge. If unplugged from the mains during operation the internal batteries will continue to power the instrument. A full charge allows 12 hours of typical use, the battery condition can be monitored by a meter on the front panel.

Stability vs Temperature and Time
Outstanding performance is achieved by the use of special computer selected reference diodes and the latest in resistor technology. The special low-thermal emf terminals reduce errors when working with microvolt signals.

Digital Deviation Control
Allows the output to be increased/decreased in % terms from 0 to +/-0.999%. This provides a direct read-out of error and simplifies the recording results for calibration certificates. It enables the user to immediately see if the unit under test is within specification.

The 1017 is suitable for calibrating and simulating a wide range of instruments including thermocouples, transducers, 4-20mA and 0-10V transmitters, and platinum resistance thermometers.

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Mike is a finance industry executive with expertise in test, IT and avionics equipment acquisition, resale, residual valuation, leasing, renting and consignment.
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