China Unicom Launches 3G Inn Service with Huawei’s Femtocell Solution

December 22nd, 2009

[Shenzhen, China] Huawei, a leader in providing next-generation telecommunications network solutions for operators around the world, today announced that its Femtocell solution has been selected by China Unicom for its “3G Inn”service. 3G Inn allows subscribers to enjoy a superior indoors 3G experience, with faster internet download speeds of up to 7.2Mb/s. Launched initially in Beijing, China Unicom expects to roll out this service nationwide.

Huawei’s Femtocell solution is a portable wireless device that connects 3G mobile handsets directly to an existing fixed broadband network, which is particularly useful for areas where high speed internet access would otherwise be limited or unavailable. Huawei’s versatile solution allows users to enjoy high bandwidth data transfer from their home or office and supports bandwidth intensive applications such as video streaming, IPTV, video conferencing and mobile broadband.

“Huawei’s Femtocell solution can help operators to increase competitiveness in the area of fixed-mobile convergence,”said Wan Biao, President of Wireless Product Line, Huawei. “China Unicom’s subscribers can now enjoy superior mobile broadband service everywhere, especially at home.”

Huawei has deployed 40 Femtocell networks around the world, more than any other company in the industry. These deployments have been made in partnership with leading telecoms operators including China Unicom, Vodafone, and other top tier operators in Europe. In December 2008, Huawei deployed the world’s first 3G femtocell commercial network in Singapore.

About Huawei
Huawei Technologies is a leader in providing next-generation telecommunications networks, and now serves 36 of the world’s top 50 operators, along with over one billion users worldwide. The company is committed to providing innovative and customized products, services and solutions to create long-term value and growth potential for its customers. (source

$620 Million for Smart Grid

December 17th, 2009

Secretary Chu Announced $620 Million for Smart Grid Demonstration and Energy Storage Projects. Recovery Act funding will upgrade the electrical grid, save energy and create jobs!

COLUMBUS, OHIO – At an event in Columbus, Secretary Chu announced that the Department of Energy is awarding $620 million for projects around the country to demonstrate advanced Smart Grid technologies and integrated systems that will help build a smarter, more efficient, more resilient electrical grid.  These 32 demonstration projects, which include large-scale energy storage, smart meters, distribution and transmission system monitoring devices, and a range of other smart technologies, will act as models for deploying integrated Smart Grid systems on a broader scale. This funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will be leveraged with $1 billion in funds from the private sector to support more than $1.6 billion in total Smart Grid projects nationally.

“These demonstration projects will further our knowledge and understanding of what works best and delivers the best results for the Smart Grid, setting the course for a modern grid that is critical to achieving our energy goals,” said Secretary Chu.  “This funding will be used to show how Smart Grid technologies can be applied to whole systems to promote energy savings for consumers, increase energy efficiency, and foster the growth of renewable energy sources like wind and solar power.”

These efforts will provide invaluable data on the benefits and cost-effectiveness of the Smart Grid, including energy and cost savings. An analysis by the Electric Power Research Institute estimates that implementing Smart Grid technologies could reduce electricity use by more than 4 percent by 2030.  That would mean a savings of $20.4 billion for businesses and consumers around the country, and $700 million for Ohio alone — or $61 in utility savings for every man, woman and child in Ohio.

The demonstration projects announced will also help verify the technological and business viability of new smart technologies and show how fully integrated Smart Grid systems can be readily adapted and copied around the country.  Applicants say this investment will create thousands of new job opportunities that will include manufacturing workers, engineers, electricians, equipment installers, IT system designers, cyber security specialists, and business and power system analysts.

The funding awards are divided into two topic areas.  In the first group, 16 awards totaling $435 million will support fully integrated, regional Smart Grid demonstrations in 21 states, representing over 50 utilities and electricity organizations with a combined customer base of almost 100 million consumers.  The projects include streamlined communication technologies that will allow different parts of the grid to “talk” to each other in real time; sensing and control devices that help grid operators monitor and control the flow of electricity to avoid disruptions and outages; smart meters and in-home systems that empower consumers to reduce their energy use and save money; energy storage options; and on-site and renewable energy sources that can be integrated onto the electrical grid.

In the second group, an additional 16 awards for a total of $185 million will help fund utility-scale energy storage projects that will enhance the reliability and efficiency of the grid, while reducing the need for new electricity plants. Improved energy storage technologies will allow for expanded integration of renewable energy resources like wind and photovoltaic systems and will improve frequency regulation and peak energy management.  The selected projects include advanced battery systems (including flow batteries), flywheels, and compressed air energy systems.  (source

Do you need to check your PV panel/array performance?

December 15th, 2009

There are many variable factors involved in being able to accurately predict PV Array performance. These variations occur in real time and affect the final power output of the array. Initial estimates can be different from true performance in the field. Factors such as Radiance, Temperature & Load all affect the output performance of the PV panel. Lack of maintenance will also have an impact.

A realistic performance check can be done in the field under actual environments conditions where Radiance and Temperature are constantly changing. In this way real time data of the actual output watts of the solar array can be collected and used to determine performance acceptability based on predetermined criterion.

Because environmental conditions can change quickly, fast and synchronized sampling of V-I characteristics is essential for meaningful data collection. Described in this article are methods of how this can be achieved.

Also monitoring the array performance in real-time can be an effective way to maximize peak output power performance. The real time data can be used to calculate the maximum power point (MPP, from the I-V curves) at present conditions and used to affect panel loading for peak power performance by a smart grid inverter.

Considerations for system measurement hardware will depend on array size and data requirement definitions.

The Typical Installation

The Monitoring System can be attached to a typical solar installation through a Quick Disconnect Junction Box (fig-1) allowing Monitoring Equipment to remain mobile for testing at other installations. The junction box connections to the array need to include pairs of voltage sense lines for each panel and a pair of power conductors in series with each string to allow remote connection to the programmable electronic load. This is needed to allow the retrieval of unique I-V data for each panel. Voltage sense line connections provide Kelvin measuring points to obtain a more accurate performance measurement of the individual panels. Planning for these connections during array design would be desirable but retrofitting arrays is not a difficult task.

Figure-1 Typical installation shown with Monitoring ATE connected
Figure-1 Typical installation shown with Monitoring ATE connected

The Array

A sample array defined for illustrative purposes is shown in fig-2.

A pair of power conductors appropriately sized for the maximum string current interrupts the connection of the string to the grid inverter bus. These conductors are routed to the monitoring system via the Quick Disconnect junction box. High Voltage power relays in the monitoring system are used in conjunction with bypass relays to take each string off-line, one string at a time, for the purpose of establishing performance characteristics of the string panels. Voltage sense lines for each P.V. panel are also routed to the junction box allowing data collection by the monitoring systems signal multiplexer. A place holder in the array (see fig-2, string 8a) can be used for data collection of a reference panel or used as an input for an external irradiance standard.

Figure-2 Block diagram PV array; 4 panels in series = 1String, 8 strings in parallel.Estimated electrical output 6KVA (220Vdc x 27A).
Figure-2 Block diagram PV array; 4 panels in series = 1String, 8 strings in parallel.Estimated electrical output 6KVA (220Vdc x 27A).

Test Plan and Approach

The test and monitoring plan will involve taking each PV string off-line one at a time with a power-mux and connect the string in series with a programmable electronic load. The programmable load is then stepped through a series of current measurement points from zero amps (Voc) through the max short circuit current (Isc) of the string while simultaneously taking data for V-out of each panel. Increasing the number of current measurement points increases the accuracy of determining the peak power point of each panel. This can be especially important during low light conditions. The I-V data taken under real-time conditions (ambient radiance and temperature) forms the basis from which to derive the real-time P-V curves for each panel in the string. Once the data for one string is completed it will be switched back on-line and the next string will be switch off-line and connected to the programmable load. This process is repeated until each string of the array has been characterized.

Once the I-V data has been stored and time stamped the P-V results can be extracted and displayed in an easily readable graphical format (see fig-4).

Hardware Configuration

Hardware selection will depend of array size and data desired. The monitoring system will need to measure, each PV panel voltage, each string current and the V & I from a reference panel or read the data from a solar radiance standard. (ref fig-1)

Basic Equipment List:

* -Computer (IPC)
* -Monitoring Software
* -Programmable DMMs and Functions Generators
* -Programmable Electronic Load
* -Programmable Power-Multiplexer and Signal-Multiplexer
* -Reference PV panel or Solar Radiance Standard
* -Sensor ports for Panel and Ambient Temperature
* -Modem or network interface, etc. (See fig-3)

To minimize equipment costs multiplexers for string current and panel voltage measurements are employed. Referring to the example array (fig-2) an eight channel power multiplexer is required to switch each string to the programmable load one at a time. Also a 32 channel differential multiplexer is required to measure the individual panel output voltages while under load.

Additional muxing channels would be required for temperature inputs and reference panels.

A Function generator, to drive the analog input of the load, for stair step generation could be used if the programmable load does not have built in stepping functions.

DMM’s connected through the signal muxes are used to measure panel output voltages. A precision shunt could be used for the string current if higher accuracies than the programmable load can provide are required.

Digital Outputs (Douts) control and timing is critical to the synchronized voltage and current data collection.

Consideration should be given for equipment selection to allow enough operating margin for worst case conditions. For instance normal operation voltages may be one value but open circuit voltage can be much higher especially at higher elevations, lower latitudes and in cooler climatic conditions. Consideration for conductor size is important as long routing paths will increase power losses due to current flow (I-R drops) and reduce overall array performance. Also power conductors and their return paths should be routed as parallel conductors thus keeping the array loop inductance at a minimum and improving system stability.

Configuration and Optimizing Data

Collection In optimizing hardware configuration is important to balance cost with accurate data collection and fast throughput.

Figure-3 SW Program controls Step function generator connected to analog input of e-Load while synchronized high speed Signal-Mux collects panel voltage data of each string. (Real time data at local ambient conditions).
Figure-3 SW Program controls Step function generator connected to analog input of e-Load while synchronized high speed Signal-Mux collects panel voltage data of each string. (Real time data at local ambient conditions).

It is important that I & V data of an individual panel be taken together (synchronously) since a change in radiance during data collection would give erroneous results. A scheme that achieves this is to take one string off line at a time and connect it to a programmable electronic load. Since serial communication tends to slow data collection down the Programmable Load will be used in the analog control mode (or internal programmable step mode) driven by a stair step function from zero load current through full load current while simultaneously taking panel Voltage data at each Load current step. The stair step current ramp is repeated until voltage data for each panel in the string has been collected. The program will step through each string in the array collecting a full compliment of I-V and Temperature data including the last string which may be connected to a standard panel or string used for data comparison.

The scheme described above should be expected to collect a complete set of data for each panel in the array in less than 4 seconds.

System Software can be a Versatile Tool

Software / Soft-panel Evaluation Features:

After collecting real time performance data the software can be used to analyze the data to check relative and absolute performance of the individual panels in the array strings by comparing:

* I. Array string performance to each other.
* II. String performance to a Standard Panel.
* III. String performance to Solar Radiance Detector.
* IV. Panel to Panel performance within a string or to standard.

Figure-4 The P-V data in graphical form showing detail points on curve where maximum power output occurs. This information can be utilized to set the grid inverter loading of the array for optimal performance under actual operation conditions.
Figure-4 The P-V data in graphical form showing detail points on curve where maximum power output occurs. This information can be utilized to set the grid inverter loading of the array for optimal performance under actual operation conditions.


A Measurement System of this type is key in analyzing true panel performance and accurate enough for comparative panel performance evaluation which may be of special interest when evaluating engineering prototype panels and new photovoltaic technologies. A Measurement System like this can be used at many different environmental sites due to its small size, flexibility and portability. In addition to panel performance, the information gathered with this system could be used to help predict and schedule maintenance and alert to required repairs so that the array can be kept at peak performance.  (source

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DOE’s New Website Brings Energy Technology Information to the Public

December 10th, 2009

WASHINGTON, DC – Secretary Chu announced today that the Department of Energy is launching Open Energy Information ( -  a new open-source web platform that will make DOE resources and open energy data widely available to the public. The data and tools housed on the free, editable and evolving wiki-platform will be used by government officials, the private sector, project developers, the international community, and others to help deploy clean energy technologies across the country and around the world. The website was launched as part of a broader effort at DOE, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, and across the Obama Administration to promote the openness, transparency, and accessibility of the federal government.

“This information platform will allow people across the globe to benefit from the Department of Energy’s clean energy data and technical resources,” said Secretary Chu. “The true potential of this tool will grow with the public’s participation – as they add new data and share their expertise – to ensure that all communities have access to the information they need to broadly deploy the clean energy resources of the future.”

DOE worked closely with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and other National Laboratories to develop and populate the Open Energy Information Platform. The site currently houses more than 60 clean energy resources and data sets, including maps of worldwide solar and wind potential, information on climate zones, and best practices. also links to the Virtual Information Bridge to Energy (VIBE), which is designed as a data analysis hub that will provide a dynamic portal for better understanding energy data. NREL will continue to develop, monitor, and maintain both sites.

Members of the American public and the energy community globally will have the opportunity going forward to upload additional data to the site and download the information in easy-to-use formats. will also play an important role providing technical resources, including U.S. lab tools, which can be used by developing countries as they move toward clean energy deployment. Over time, the plan is to expand this portal to include on-line training and technical expert networks.

As part of the Administration-wide Open Gov Initiative, Secretary Chu also announced today that the DOE is contributing various tools and data sets for the National Assets program being undertaken by a group of six departments and agencies across the federal government.  These agencies, including the National Institutes of Health and Food and Drug Administration in the Department of Health and Human Services; the Agricultural Research Service in the Department of Agriculture; the National Institute of Standards and Technology in the Department of Commerce; the Department of Energy; and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, are working together to spur innovation by making it easier for high-tech companies to identify collaborative, entrepreneurial opportunities.  By making information from multiple agencies available in RSS and XML feeds on, the National Assets program will increase access to information on publicly-funded technologies that are available for license, opportunities for federal funding and partnerships, and potential private-sector partners.  This information will help innovators find the information they need and receive real-time updates, which can fuel entrepreneurial momentum, create new jobs, and strengthen economic growth.

With the New Hioki 8847 Hi-Corder measure a variety of signals in one go and find problem solutions straight away. This versatile unit is used in Power Facilities, Generating and Transformer Stations for Short-Circuit/Interruption Testing, Facilities Diagnosis and Troubleshooting. The Hioki 8847 is the ideal recorder for field use with easy portability and sturdy construction. When a problem occurs requiring immediate attention on site, grab the sturdy handle and go. The tough construction can take a few knocks. You can start measurement without reading through the manual because the Help Wizard assists you to do exactly what you want. Now, print out your results on the spot – you can load printer paper with a simple one-touch operation and the high printing speed gives you a hard copy in a snap. Store the data on media three times faster to a 30 MB CF Card: Max. 40 seconds.  Data-Sheet

The New Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) Advanced Connectivity Roadmap and SCSITA

December 2nd, 2009

SAN FRANCISCO – On October 12th SCSI Trade Association (STA) introduced the new Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) Advanced

Connectivity Roadmap which previewed the connectivity advances to support future SAS growth in the enterprise. The new SAS connectivity benefits will apply to mid-range and large data centers and will improve all aspects of connectivity and ease of operation.

As an important part of the announcement, STA is promoting a converged Mini-SAS High-Density (HD) standard connector to create a vibrant and consistent infrastructure to expand SAS usability and scalability. The STA objectives include a consistent connectivity management scheme in addition to the active copper and optical cable extensions supported by the new Mini-
SAS HD connector. Harry Mason, President of STA and Director of Industry Marketing at LSI, commented, “Larger SAS deployments may support upwards of a thousand drives, require multiple levels of cascaded SAS expanders and often utilize centralized SAS switching elements. This level of SAS scaling demands more from SAS as a system-level interconnect. STA is advancing and standardizing SAS connectivity architecture to position SAS to meet the scalability needs of the targeted markets.”

To meet future requirements, STA’s objective is to drive market consistency by simplifying cable and connector options and by providing connectivity management standards designated as SAS Connectivity Management. High-density connectivity with support for active copper connections up to 20m and optical connections up to 100m, will vastly improve SAS flexibility
and usability. The new connectivity standards are also extensible to the coming 12Gb/s SAS generation. To achieve these objectives, STA will drive connectivity convergence centered on the new Mini-SAS HD connector. This versatile connector contains electrically improved signaling at 6Gb/s data rates and will support data scaling to 12Gb/s. The Mini-SAS HD connector doubles the port density of the currently available Mini-SAS connector, comes in a variety of port sizes, and offers internal and external connector options. In addition, it supports a standard method of powering the connector for either active copper or optical links. SAS Connectivity Management is an integral part of the advances being made as it supports connection discovery and cable management. It detects passive and active copper and optical connections and eliminates the need for mechanical keys.

The goals of SAS Connectivity Management include improved serviceability and reliability, as well as lower total cost of ownership (TCO). SAS is rapidly evolving to meet the performance, scalability and usability needs of tomorrow’s storage environments. SAS will grow and thrive, in part, because of the Advanced Connectivity roadmap, which offers a solid connectivity scheme based on the versatile Mini-SAS HD connector in addition to SAS Connectivity Management support. The SCSI Trade Association was established in 1995 to provide a focal point for members to communicate the benefits of SCSI to the industry. STA promotes the understanding and use of Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) technology and influences the evolution of SAS standards to meet future storage industry needs. The Association has a nine-member Board of Directors which oversees the Marketing Communications and Technology Committees and all STA activities. For more information, please visit the STA website at

SCSI Trade Association Members include:

Amphenol. – Amphenol is a worldwide manufacturer of serial and parallel SCSI interconnect devices, including cable, connectors, terminators, and cable assemblies. Key new product include “Opticlear” Ultra 320 SCSI, a flexible, round mass termination solution, and single/multiport SATA/ SAS cables for next generation storage and server applications. Amphenol is also a leading supplier of InfiniBand, FibreChannel, and 10Gb interconnect

Intel Corporation – For more than three decades, Intel Corporation has developed technology enabling the computer and Internet revolution that has changed the world. Founded in 1968 to build semiconductor memory products, Intel introduced the world’s first microprocessor in 1971. Today, Intel supplies the computing and communications industries with chips, boards, systems, and software building blocks that are the “ingredients” of computers, servers and networking and communications products. These products are used by industry members to create advanced computing and communications systems. Intel’s mission is to be the preeminent building block supplier to the Internet economy.

LSI Corporation – For more than 20 years, LSI has been a leading provider of storage component products, storage systems and ASIC technology that speed and solve enterprise server, network and workstation storage needs. Today, the company provides unique high-performance solutions using Fusion-MPT (Message Passing Technology) architecture across all interfaces. LSI was first-to-market with Ultra320 SCSI products and sells to all leading OEMs and to the Channel using distribution partners and resellers worldwide. LSI’s customers can also take advantage of the company’s unique CoreWare® methodology to increase performance, lower system costs and accelerate time to market. The CoreWare design methodology includes a library of high-level, industry-standard building blocks such as microprocessors, networking controllers, digital signal processors and video compression engines. These IP building blocks – “cores” – are connected together electronically to form an entire system on a single chip. Key product lines include: Ultra320 SCSI, Serial Attached SCSI, Fibre Channel host bus adapters, MegaRAID SCSI, iSCSI and SATA storage adapters, and iMegaRAID controllers. For more information about LSI, visit:

Marvell Semiconductor – Marvell is the market and technology leader in storage, communications and consumer silicon solutions. The company’s diverse product portfolio includes switching, transceiver, communications controller, wireless, and storage solutions that power the entire communications infrastructure, including enterprise, metro, home, and storage networking.

Molex – the world’s second-largest manufacturer of electronic, electrical and fiber optic interconnection products and systems. We also make a variety of switches and application tooling. As a one-source supplier, we assure worldwide coordination of our resources to meet our customers’ needs globally, regionally and locally. In product development centers, manufacturing facilities and sales offices on six continents, the more than 16,241 people of Molex are 100 percent customer
driven. This dedication has kept us one of the fastest growing companies in our industry since we opened our doors in 1938.

Seagate Technology is a leading provider of technology and products enabling people to store, access and manage information. Seagate is committed to providing best-in-class products to help people get their information when, where and how they want it. Seagate is the world’s largest manufacturer of disc drives, magnetic discs and read-write heads, an innovator in tape drives, and a leading developer of software for information availability, access and analysis. Seagate can be found around the globe and the World Wide Web at

Toshiba America Information Systems – Toshiba is a one-of-a-kind comprehensive storage company, offering hard disk drives (HDDs), optical disk drives (ODDs), solid state drives (SSDs) and NAND flash memories – technologies that drive a wide range of consumer electronics, computer and automotive applications as well as customer-focused enterprise solutions for the global marketplace. Through its Storage Device Division (SDD), Toshiba is a leader in delivering pioneering HDDs that enable superior form and functionality in a wide range of products from retail and mobile to enterprise applications. Toshiba’s HDD design, development, manufacturing, sales and other infrastructure functions solidify the company’s brand as a long-term premier global data storage company. Leveraging the benefits of global product development and manufacturing, Toshiba is empowered to provide innovative products to enterprise, mobile and retail customers with high-performance HDDs through its established clientele of PC and consumer electronics equipment manufacturers, consumer electronics manufacturers, automotive manufacturers and after-market suppliers, distributors, resellers, systems integrators and retailers around the world. For more information, visit:

Tyco Electronics – Tyco Electronicsis one of the major business segments of Tyco Internation Ltd. (NYSE: TYC, LSE: TYI, BSX: TYC). Tyco Electronics is the world’s largest passive electronics components manufacturer; a world leader in cutting-edge wireless, active fibre optc and complete power systems technologies; and is also rapidly developing extensive networking and building technology installation services. Tyco Electronics provides advanced technology products from over forty well-known and respected brands, including Agastat, Alcoswitch, AMP, AMP NETCONNECT< Buckanan, CII, CoEv, Critchley, Elcon, Elo, Touch Systems, MIA-COM, MADISON CABLE< OEG, OneSource Building Tecnologies, Potter & Brumfield, Raychem,  Schrack, Simel and TDI Batteries. World Wide Web at

(source – All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.-pv-)

Smart-Grid and Flywheel Energy Technology

November 25th, 2009

U.S. Department of Energy Announces $24 Million Smart Grid Stimulus Grant Award to Beacon Power Funding will provide 50% of construction costs for 20 MW flywheel energy storage plant in Chicago

TYNGSBORO, Mass., Beacon Power Corporation, a company that designs and develops advanced products and services to support more stable, reliable and efficient electricity grid operation, said today that the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced that it has awarded a stimulus grant to Beacon valued at $24 million, for use in the construction of the Company’s second 20 MW flywheel energy storage plant, to be located in Chicago, Illinois.

“We’re extremely pleased to receive this grant award from the Department of Energy,” said Bill Capp, Beacon president and CEO. “DOE has long supported Beacon’s pioneering efforts to bring our clean, sustainable and cost-saving energy storage technology to the grid. This $24 million grant, which is the 4th largest out of 16 energy storage grants announced today, represents the most significant financial boost Beacon has ever received from the federal government. We believe it underscores the unique value and stabilizing benefits of our grid-scale flywheel systems. We’re very grateful for DOE’s continued support.”

Capp added: “Thanks to DOE’s strong support, we can now continue to move forward with plans to build and operate a second 20 MW regulation plant, in addition to the one we’ve begun work on in Stephentown, New York. Doing so will expand our merchant service provider business model in the regulation market, and create a foundation for promoting and selling turnkey systems to vertically integrated utilities here and overseas.”

According to DOE, the funding award is to “Design, build, test, commission and operate a utility-scale 20 MW flywheel energy storage frequency regulation plant in Chicago, Illinois, and provide frequency regulation services to the grid operator, the PJM Interconnection. The project will also demonstrate the technical, cost and environmental advantages of fast-response flywheel-based frequency regulation management, lowering the cost to build a 20 MW flywheel energy storage plant to improve grid reliability while increasing the use of wind and solar power.”

The grant for the Chicago facility results from one of Beacon’s two applications for DOE Smart Grid demonstration project funding, known as Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-FOA-0000036. Area of Interest 2.2 of the DOE solicitation contemplated one or two grants for Frequency Regulation Ancillary Services projects. The Department made only one award, which was for Beacon’s 20 MW regulation plant. The grant award of $24 million is for 50% of the project’s estimated cost. DOE will provide further details of the grant conditions in the near future.

Flywheel Energy Storage and Frequency Regulation
Frequency regulation is an essential grid service that is performed by maintaining a tight balance between electricity supply and demand. Beacon’s 20 MW plant has been designed to provide frequency regulation services by absorbing electricity from the grid when there is too much, and storing it as kinetic energy in a matrix of flywheel systems. When there is not enough power to meet demand, the flywheels inject energy back into the grid, thus helping to maintain proper electricity frequency (60 cycles/second).

Thanks to their ability to recycle electricity efficiently and act as “shock absorbers” to the grid, Beacon’s flywheel plants will also help support the integration of greater amounts of renewable (but intermittent) wind and solar power resources. Unlike conventional fossil fuel-powered generators that provide frequency regulation, flywheel plants will not consume any fuel, nor will they directly produce CO2 greenhouse gas emissions or other air pollutants, such as NOX or SO2.

About Beacon Power
Beacon Power Corporation designs, develops and is commercializing advanced products and services to support stable, reliable and efficient electricity grid operation. Beacon’s Smart Energy Matrix, now in production, is a non-polluting, megawatt-scale, utility-grade, flywheel-based solution designed to provide less expensive, and more sustainable and effective, frequency regulation services to the nation’s power grid. The Company’s business strategy is both to supply frequency regulation services from its own plants, and to sell its systems directly to utilities or grid operators in some parts of North America and selected international markets. Beacon is a publicly traded company with its research, development and manufacturing facility in the U.S. For more information, visit

Take a BITE into Battery Health

November 17th, 2009

Research indicates that internal battery cell impedance increases with the age and discharge history of a cell. Since interruption in electrical service can spell disaster, a reliable backup power system is critical so that when conventional power fails, costly service outages can be avoided.

The BITE family of products provides meaningful data on battery health without significant expense or reduction in remaining battery capacity. The BITE products are designed for on-line ac impedance and dc terminal voltage measurement of secondary batteries.

The BITE 2 Battery Impedance Test Equipment determine the condition of lead-acid and nickel-cadmium cells up to 7000 Ah. An advanced feature set has been developed that includes Pass/Warning/Fail calculations based on a user-entered baseline value, advanced printing functions and more. The case of the BITE 2P consists of both the transmitter and a carrying case for all of the standard accessories and some of the optional accessories, in an all-in-one unit. The BITE 2 and its accessories fit into a sturdy canvas case with a shoulder strap.

The instruments work by applying a test current across the battery string while on-line, then measuring the total current (ac ripple + test current) and the voltage drop of each cell/jar. It then calculates the impedance. They also measure dc voltage and interconnection (strap) resistance to help determine the overall condition of the entire battery string’s electrical path from terminal plate to terminal plate.

The BITE 2 receiver stores the readings in its internal memory. These measurements, along with other maintenance data such as ambient and pilot cell temperatures and ac ripple current, assist in determining the overall condition of battery systems. Megger recommends that impedance measurements with the BITE 2 be made part of a battery maintenance program with readings taken and recorded semiannually for flooded batteries and quarterly for VRLA.

Unlike load cycle testing that involves substantial downtime and repeated discharges, using the instruments require no battery discharge, nor do they stress the battery in any way compared to other techniques. With a test time of less than 20 seconds for each cell and intercell connector, one person can easily, quickly, and precisely measure internal cell impedance, dc terminal voltage and intercell connection resistance without taking the battery system off line.

New SPAA05-NEX Satellite Positioning Antenna Alignment Tool

November 16th, 2009

Lake Mary, FL USA – New SPAA05-NEX Satellite Positioning Antenna Alignment Tool Now Available From Test Equipment Connection

Test Equipment Connection Corporation announced today that is has entered into a Resale Agreement to market and sell the SPAA05-NEX satellite positioning tool for antenna alignment.

“Most network operators have made the SPAA05-NEX tool their standard and preferred antenna alignment method,” said President and COO Mike Novello. “The easy to use SPAA05-NEX was designed with the tower technician in mind. Using real time precision GPS technology to measure, the SPAA05-NEX can improve key performance indicators such as network accessibility and call retainability. This cost effective solution is more accurate than conventional antenna alignment methods such as a magnetic compass or triangulation.”

About the SPAA05-NEX:

European carriers have been using the SPAA05-NEX for years. Several USA carriers have already made the SPAA05-NEX their preferred antenna alignment solution. Network operators in India, Singapore and Japan have also implemented this solution, which features antenna mounting hardware and back-office software. Antenna optimization is achieved by improving the nominal antenna bearing (azimuth) in GSM, DCS and UMTS mobile cellular networks, with a heading accuracy of up to 0.5°.

About Test Equipment Connection Corporation:

Test Equipment Connection Corporation, Test Equipment Connection Pte. Ltd., and TE Connection Asia Limited are industry-leading suppliers of new, refurbished and second-hand electronic test and measurement (“T&M”) equipment. The companies sell, buy, lease, rent, trade, repair and calibrate over 315 manufacturers including Anritsu, Rohde & Schwarz, Agilent, Tektronix, Advantest, LeCroy, Chroma and Fluke, with thousands of products available. The companies are a single source supplier with in-house calibration laboratories assuring that customers receive only the highest quality T&M equipment and support. Test Equipment Connection Corporation has over 250,000 customers, a 45,000 square foot warehouse and repair facility in the US, and 16 years of profitability and financial strength.

Visit or email for more information.

Download this Press Release SPAA05-NEX.pdf

Test Equipment Connection Corporation 30 Skyline Drive
Lake Mary, FL 32746 USA   (800) 615-8378 x 141

Test Equipment Connection Pte. Ltd.
6 Battery Road
#31-00 Standard Chartered Bank Building
Singapore 049909

Telephone: 65-6320-8596

TE Connection Asia, Ltd.
Unit 13, 16 / FL Fotan Industrial Centre
26-28 Au Pui Wan Street
Fotan Shatin N.T.    Hong Kong: 852-2690-1360 China: 86 136-3217-2095

SBDC Spotlights Test Equipment Connection

November 9th, 2009

“The information and assistance I received from the SBDC/PTAC during the application process was instrumental in our success,” remarks Tony Colatruglio. “The SBDC and Tony Espinosa were able to break down the process into easily understandable and attainable segments.”

In honor of the Florida Governor’s Proclamation commemorating October as Florida Small Business Month, the Florida Small Business Development Center Network is proud to Shine the Light on one of Florida’s outstanding small businesses. The featured business is representative of the thousands of clients and diverse industries the FSBDCN serves statewide. Designated as Florida’s Principal Provider of Small Business Assistance by state statute, the FSBDCN is statewide with 35 locations from Pensacola to the Keys. The Network’s integrated infrastructure has the professionals and partners needed to successfully serve the Florida business community. No matter the need(s) of the business, Florida SBDCs have the experience, expertise and connectivity to help small businesses succeed.

Test Equipment Connection Sees the Fruit of Their Labor in GSA Schedule Contract Award

Over $130,000 in 3 months; that is the amount of business that Test Equipment Connection Corporation (TEC) received during the first quarter of 2009 after they were awarded their first U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) contract. TEC is a single source test and measurement equipment company that offers new, used, and refurbished test equipment products. These products include high quality spectrum analyzers, oscilloscopes, network analyzers, service monitors, OTDR, and multi-meters that are offered at great savings to over 200,000 customers worldwide. Products are also available for rent or lease. TEC also has a trade-in program that allows customers to trade-in underutilized products for cash or credit towards the purchase of other test equipment.

In May of 2007, Tony Colatruglio, operations manager of TEC, attended two three-hour seminars given by the Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) program of the Small Business Development Center at the University of Central Florida (SBDC at UCF); the seminars covered the GSA schedule process and bids & proposals respectively. Shortly thereafter Tony Colatruglio met with Tony Espinosa, procurement specialist at the SBDC at UCF’s PTAC to discuss and review their response to a GSA schedule proposal. PTAC provided guidance and assistance with several aspects of preparing a response which included identifying Special Item Number (SIN) sub-categories, price list identification and preparation, and commitment letters. “The information and assistance I received from the SBDC/PTAC during the application process was instrumental in our success,” remarks Tony Colatruglio.

By February 2008 the proposal was ready for a final review. Preparation of a GSA schedule is not to be taken lightly as it involves a lot of research, reading, information gathering, and multiple review. It was evident that TEC put forth a great effort to complete this process on their own. On June 1, 2008, TEC saw the fruit of their labor in the resulting award of a GSA schedule contract. Between the third quarter of 2008 and the end of the first quarter 2009 TEC received a total of $153,238 in orders from their GSA contract. “The SBDC and Tony Espinosa were able to break down the process into easily understandable and attainable segments. Tony was available for one-on-one consultation, phone calls or emails to accommodate my schedule,” comments Tony Colatruglio.

The GSA schedule program is just one of the tools available to established companies that simplify the process of selling their product or service to Federal government agencies. TEC is one of the many companies that have taken full advantage of such an opportunity.  (

The Florida SBDC Network, a statewide service network of 35 centers, is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration, hosted by the University of West Florida and accredited through the national Association of SBDCs. For over 30 years, the FSBDCN has nourished a statewide partnership between higher education and economic development organizations dedicated to providing emerging and established business owners with assistance, enabling overall growth and increased profitability for the businesses, and economic prosperity for the state. To learn more about the FSBDCN or to find an SBDC near you, visit or call 1-866-737-7232

Megger Give-a-Way Winner

November 6th, 2009

Recently Terry Hamilton of Tier IV was the winner in our Megger Give-a-Way, he was the proud recipient of the Megger CLM200 handheld cable-length meter. You can view and purchase world renown Megger Products here.

From the Tier IV Homepage:
Tier IV is the leading provider of Electrical, Mechanical and Controls requirements of the 24×7 business.

Tier IV Consulting Group, Inc., provides a single engineering resource for consulting, design, commissioning and integration of Mechanical, Electrical and Control systems. We offer more than 100 years of combined experience in high reliability design, operations and controls. Understanding our clients’ business operations allows us a unique ability to analyze available options and to provide the appropriate, engineered solution that creates value through increased efficiency and improved sustainability.

Our list of clients range from Fortune 500 companies to small regional firms. We provide services to a wide range of industries including mission critical data centers, financial institutions, information services, telecommunications, transportation, research and medical as well as State and Federal Government organizations.

The corporate headquarters is located in Lee’s Summit, Missouri. Tier IV’s central location in the continental Midwest allows us the ability to provide engineering services throughout the United States as well as overseas.

Tier IV Consulting Group is proud of its ability to serve our clients and provide services beyond their expectations. Our goal is to design reliability and security into every project. ( )