AnaPico Portable RF Signal Generators Now Available

February 8th, 2010

Lake Mary, FL USA – AnaPico Portable RF Signal Generators Now Available From Test Equipment Connection Corporation

Test Equipment Connection Corp. announced today that it has entered into a Distribution Agreement to market and sell new AnaPico Portable Low-Noise RF Signal Generators. AnaPico APSIN solutions are low noise, fast switching signal sources with true portability.

“AnaPico delivers high performance products that are a great value for small budgets,” said President and COO Mike Novello. “The APSIN6000 signal generator is a highly flexi­ble, truly portable RF signal generator. Alongside the APSIN3000, it provides all functionality and per­formance that is expected from higher priced RF signal generators. Lightweight, low cost and high reliability make it the right RF signal source for a wide range of applications.”

About AnaPico:

AnaPico is a leading supplier of microwave key components and RF signal generators for high-speed test and measurement applications. The company’s core competences comprise design, fabrication and testing of RF and microwave electronic components and instruments. AnaPico was started in 2003 and officially founded in 2005. AnaPico headquarters is located in Zürich, Switzerland.

About Test Equipment Connection Corporation

Test Equipment Connection Corp., Test Equipment Connection Pte. Ltd., and TE Connection Asia Limited are industry-leading suppliers of new, refurbished and second-hand electronic test and measurement (“T&M”) equipment. The companies sell, buy, lease, rent, trade, repair and calibrate over 315 manufacturers including Anritsu, Rohde & Schwarz, Agilent, Tektronix, Advantest, LeCroy, Chroma and Fluke, with thousands of products available. The companies are a single source supplier with in-house calibration laboratories assuring that customers receive only the highest quality T&M equipment and support. Test Equipment Connection Corporation has over 250,000 customers, a 45,000 square foot warehouse and repair facility in the US, and 16 years of profitability and financial strength.

Download this Press Release AnaPico.pdf

Press Release Contact Information:

Test Equipment Connection Corporation
30 Skyline Drive
Lake Mary, FL 32746 USA   (800) 615-8378 x 141

Test Equipment Connection Pte. Ltd.
6 Battery Road
#31-00 Standard Chartered Bank Building
Singapore 049909 Telephone: 65-6320-8596

TE Connection Asia, Ltd.
Unit 13, 16 / FL Fotan Industrial Centre
26-28 Au Pui Wan Street
Fotan Shatin N.T. Hong Kong   Telephone: 852-2690-1360

“NACHOS” Anyone ?

February 8th, 2010

Nanoscale Architecture for Coherent Hyper-Optic Sources (NACHOS)

Nanoscaled lasers will enable close integration of photonic and electronic devices needed in emerging high-speed processing-intense computing and communication platforms. In addition to reduced size, these lasers are expected to be power efficient and offer unprecedented modulation bandwidth. New capabilities, such as the ability to place large numbers of lasers on silicon chips, will be enabled by these devices.

The objective of the NACHOS program is to demonstrate sub-l semiconductor lasers by combining media with reduced dimensionality and advanced feedback concepts. The specific program goal is to demonstrate injection lasers operating CW at room temperature with cavity dimensions smaller than the vacuum wavelength of light they generate, l < 1.5 mm.  The NACHOS Program Manager is Dr. Michael Haney. (source

What are the CE Marking Requirements for the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive ?

February 5th, 2010

The EMC Directive states that equipment shall be designed and manufactured, having regard to the state of the art, to ensure that:

a) the electromagnetic disturbance generated does not exceed the level which radio and telecommunications equipment or other equipment cannot operate as intended;

b) it has a level of immunity to the electromagnetic disturbance to be expected in its intended use which allows it to operate without unacceptable degradation of its intended use.

Manufacturers can use the internal production control described in Annex II to comply with the EMC Directive. The manufacturer shall perform an electromagnetic assessment on the product with the view of meeting the protection requirements listed above in points a and b. The manufacturer may want to identify the appropriate European standards from the list of EMC standards, order them, and demonstrate that they comply with the standards. Manufacturers can employ the services of an independent lab to show that a product meets the requirements of the relevant standards. Manufacturers must assemble a technical file which can be available to EU competent authorities. This technical file would include information such as the design of the product, the standards used, and the test certificate obtained from the lab proving conformance to the standards.

The European Commission Guide to the EMC Directive states that the EMC Directive excludes three types of equipment:

  • Radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment covered by Directive 1999/5/EC (The R&TTE Directive)
  • Aeronautical products, parts, and appliances referred to in Regulation 1592/2003;
  • Radio equipment used by radio amateurs as defined in International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Radio Regulations.

The Commission’s EMC Guide states that EMC requirements for certain products are covered within that specific product directive. For example, EMC requirements for the Medical Device Directive (93/42/EEC), the Active Implantable Medical Device Directive (90/385/EEC), the In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device Directive (98/79/EC), the Marine Equipment Directive (96/98/EC), the Agricultural and Forestry Tractors Directive (75/322/EEC), the Two or Three-Wheeled Motor Vehicles Directive (97/24/EC), and the Auto EMC Directive (95/54/EC) for parts that affect the safety of a vehicle are covered by requirements in those directives. As a result, products falling under those directives are not covered by the EMC Directive (2004/108/EC). (source

Chroma 66200 Power Meter Meets Eco-Design Directive

January 28th, 2010

Chroma’s 66200 series Power Meters meet the Eco-design Directive for measurement requirements of energy-using products (EuP) in addition to meeting Energy Star requirements and Spec compliance and are now available at Test Equipment Connection.

Lake Mary, FL: Hazards with increased global warming and climate changes have tipped countries to establish regulations and standards for regulating product efficiency performance. As an effective means to reduce carbon footprint and minimize negative impact to the environment, the Eco-design Directive for Energy-using Products (2005/32/EC) came into force August of 2007.

Eco-design Directive establishes a framework under which manufacturers of energy-using products (EuP) will, at the initial design stage, be obliged to increase energy efficiency and reduce the products negative environmental impacts.

Various measurement guidelines and requirements have been defined by the Eco-design Directive including power consumption measurement requirements. Measurement of power of 0.5W or greater shall be made with an uncertainty of less than or equal to 2% at the 95% confidence level and measurements of power less than 0.5W shall be made with an uncertainty of less than or equal to 0.01W at the 95% confidence level. The directive also requires increased measurement information on parameters such as voltage, current, frequency, power, total harmonic distortion, and power factor.

Chroma’s 66200 series Power Meters are fully capable of meeting the measurement requirements required by the EuC directive. Combining the power meter with our standard software specifically designed for the 66200 series, users can easily accomplish the required EUP measurement tasks with little effort. In addition to the 66200 series software,

Chroma also provides Power Efficiency Test software as a more comprehensive measurement solution for meeting eco-design requirements on active power efficiency measurements of external power supplies. Chroma power meters also meet Energy Star requirements and are SPEC accepted measurement devices.  You will find the complete Chroma Power Meter Line at Test Equipment Connection in addition to other great Chroma Products which include: AC and DC Loads, AC Power Sources and Power Supply Testing Equipment.

About Chroma Systems Solutions:

Chroma Systems Solutions, Inc. is the North American business unit of Chroma ATE, the world leader in power testing instruments and systems. With offices and manufacturing facilities located around the globe, Chroma is committed to provide excellence in product, service, and innovation. Chroma Systems Solutions is located in Lake Forest, CA. Please visit for more company and product information or call us at (949) 600-6400.

About Test Equipment Connection Corporation:

Test Equipment Connection Corp., Test Equipment Connection Pte. Ltd., and TE Connection Asia Limited are industry-leading suppliers of new, refurbished and second-hand electronic test and measurement (“T&M”) equipment. The companies sell, buy, lease, rent, trade, repair and calibrate over 315 manufacturers including Anritsu, Rohde & Schwarz, Agilent, Tektronix, Advantest, LeCroy, Chroma and Fluke, with thousands of products available. The companies are a single source supplier with in-house calibration laboratories assuring that customers receive only the highest quality T&M equipment and support. Test Equipment Connection Corporation has over 250,000 customers, a 45,000 square foot warehouse and repair facility in the US, and 16 years of profitability and financial strength.

Download the Chroma-66200-Power-Meter-Press-Release.pdf


Press Release Contact Information:

Test Equipment Connection Corporation
30 Skyline Drive
Lake Mary, FL 32746 USA
Voice (800) 615-8378

Test Equipment Connection Pte. Ltd.
6 Battery Road
#31-00 Standard Chartered Bank Building
Singapore 049909
Voice: 65-6320-8596

TE Connection Asia, Ltd.
Unit 13, 16 / FL Fotan Industrial Centre
26-28 Au Pui Wan Street
Fotan Shatin N.T. Hong Kong
Voice: 852-2690-1360
(CHINA): 86 136-3217-2095

LeCroy WaveAce Video Demo

January 22nd, 2010

LeCroy WaveAce Using the Sequence Recorder Video Demo

Smart Grid Interoperability Framework

January 21st, 2010

NIST Issues First Release of Framework for Smart Grid Interoperability

GAITHERSBURG, Md.-The Commerce Department’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) issued today an initial list of standards, a preliminary cyber security strategy, and other elements of a framework to support transforming the nation’s aging electric power system into an interoperable Smart Grid, a key component of the Obama administration’s energy plan and its strategy for American innovation. NIST Director Patrick Gallagher announced the publication of the NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards, Release 1.0, to the some 700 engineers, scientists, and business and government executives attending the IEEE Innovative Smart Technologies Conference, which NIST is hosting.

The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) set development of the Smart Grid as a national policy goal, and it assigned NIST the “primary responsibility to coordinate development of a framework that includes protocols and model standards for information management to achieve interoperability of Smart Grid devices and systems …”

“This is an important milestone for NIST, for the entire community of Smart Grid stakeholders, and for the nation,” Gallagher said. “This first installment of the Smart Grid interoperability framework will pay dividends to our nation for decades to come. Just as Congress intended, we are building a foundation for sustainable growth and future prosperity.”

By integrating digital computing and communication technologies and services with the power-delivery infrastructure, the Smart Grid will enable bidirectional flows of energy and two-way communication and control capabilities. A range of new applications and capabilities will result. Anticipated benefits range from real-time consumer control over energy usage to significantly increased reliance on solar and other sources of clean renewable energy to greatly improve reliability, flexibility and efficiency of the entire grid.

The new report presents the first release of a Smart Grid interoperability framework and roadmap for its further development. It contains:

* a conceptual reference model to facilitate design of an architecture for the Smart Grid overall and for its networked domains;
* an initial set of 75 standards identified as applicable to the Smart Grid;
* priorities for additional standards-revised or new-to resolve important gaps;
* action plans under which designated standards-setting organizations will address these priorities; and
* an initial Smart Grid cyber security strategy and associated requirements.

A draft of today’s report was issued on Sept. 24, 2009, for public review and comments. More than 80 individuals and organizations submitted comments. A companion draft document, NISTIR 7628, Smart Grid Cyber Security Strategy and Requirements, also underwent public review. A subsequent draft of the cyber security strategy, which will include responses to comments received and will incorporate new information prepared by the almost 300-member cyber security working group, will be issued in February. NIST intends to finalize the Smart Grid cyber security in late spring.

Under EISA, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is charged with instituting rulemaking proceedings, and once sufficient consensus is achieved, adopting the standards and protocols necessary to ensure Smart Grid functionality and interoperability in interstate transmission of electric power and in regional and wholesale electricity markets. However, some of the standards listed in the NIST report are still under development and some others, such as those already used voluntarily by industry, may not warrant adoption by FERC or other regulators.

“NIST is working closely with FERC and state utility regulators so that we can coordinate development of additional technical information on individual standards to support their evaluation and potential use for regulatory purposes,” said George Arnold, NIST’s national coordinator for Smart Grid interoperability.

In November 2009, NIST launched a Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP) to assist NIST in carrying out its EISA-assigned responsibility, including working with regulatory bodies on evaluating and implementing standards in this and subsequent releases of the NIST interoperability framework.

A public-private partnership, the SGIP is designed to provide “a more permanent process” to support the evolution of the interoperability framework and further development of standards, according to the report. With NIST, the report explains, the panel will “identify and address additional gaps, assess changes in technology and associated requirements for standards, and provide ongoing coordination” of standards organizations’ efforts to support timely availability of needed Smart Grid standards.

Over the past two months, almost 500 organizations have joined the SGIP. A total of 1,350 individuals from membership organizations have signed up to participate in the panel’s technical activities.

A copy of the 145 page NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards, Release 1.0, can be downloaded here:


Time Electronics Calibration Test Equipment

January 20th, 2010

Lake Mary, FL USA – Time Electronics Calibration Test Equipment Now Available From Test Equipment Connection Corporation.

Test Equipment Connection Corp. announced today that it has entered into a Resale Agreement to market and sell new Time Electronics Multifunction Calibrators, Process Industry Calibrators, Decade Boxes, Calibration Software, Custom Calibration Benches, Potentiometers, and Handheld Calibrators. Time Electronics’ wide range of products are used to measure voltage, current, resistance, temperature, and pressure, with many more applications and instrumentation that can be controlled and automated via GPIB, RS232, and USB.

“Time Electronics is a leading international manufacturer of calibrators and test equipment,” said President and COO Mike Novello. “Time Electronics decade boxes are innovative, with protective ergonomic rubber boots on selected models. Their custom calibration benches are ideal for laboratories and workshops in need of multi-product testing. Their multifunction calibrators, power calibrators, pressure, temperature, and loop signal calibrators cover the wide ranging requirements of the process control and metrology industries.”

About Time Electronics:

Established in 1967 Time Electronics Ltd. is an international company that designs and manufactures calibration, test, and measurement equipment. Products range from decade boxes and handheld calibrators to multifunction and custom-made calibration benches. Time Electronics main headquarters is based in Tonbridge, Kent in the United Kingdom, 30 miles south of London with 10,000 square feet of factory and office space. Time Electronics has delivered accuracy and precision in the field of calibration for over 40 years. Quality is an integral part of the company philosophy backed by high performance and reliability. Time Electronics is accredited to ISO 9001:2000. Time Electronics USA is operated in partnership with East Hills Instruments. Both companies are synonymous with high quality test equipment and have over 50 years combined experience in the instrumentation and calibration industry.

About Test Equipment Connection Corporation:

Test Equipment Connection Corp., Test Equipment Connection Pte. Ltd., and TE Connection Asia Limited are industry-leading suppliers of new, refurbished and second-hand electronic test and measurement (“T&M”) equipment. The companies sell, buy, lease, rent, trade, repair and calibrate over 315 manufacturers including Anritsu, Rohde & Schwarz, Agilent, Tektronix, Advantest, LeCroy, Chroma and Fluke, with thousands of products available. The companies are a single source supplier with in-house calibration laboratories assuring that customers receive only the highest quality T&M equipment and support. Test Equipment Connection Corporation has over 250,000 customers, a 45,000 square foot warehouse and repair facility in the US, and 16 years of profitability and financial strength. Visit or email for more information.

Download this Press Release Time Electronics.pdf


Press Release Contact Information:

Test Equipment Connection Corporation
30 Skyline Drive
Lake Mary, FL 32746 USA
Voice (800) 615-8378

Test Equipment Connection Pte. Ltd.
6 Battery Road
#31-00 Standard Chartered Bank Building
Singapore 049909
Voice: 65-6320-8596

TE Connection Asia, Ltd.
Unit 13, 16 / FL Fotan Industrial Centre
26-28 Au Pui Wan Street
Fotan Shatin N.T. Hong Kong
Voice: 852-2690-1360
(CHINA): 86 136-3217-2095

New LeCroy WaveAce Oscilloscopes

January 15th, 2010

Lake Mary, FL USA – New LeCroy WaveAce Oscilloscopes Now Available from Test Equipment Connection

Test Equipment Connection Corporation today announced the company is selling the new 4 channel versions of the LeCroy WaveAce family, helping to expand the addressable market for economy oscilloscopes. The new WaveAce 101 40 MHz model provides a low cost solution, especially for the education market. The WaveAce 204, WaveAce 214, WaveAce 224, and WaveAce 234 models all deliver 4-channel performance and compare favorably to Tektronix.

“These new portable oscilloscopes show that LeCroy is listening to customers and delivering a powerful combination of price and performance.” said Mike Novello, President and COO of Test Equipment Connection Corporation.

About Test Equipment Connection Corporation:
Test Equipment Connection Corporation, Test Equipment Connection Pte. Ltd., and TE Connection Asia Limited are industry-leading suppliers of new, refurbished and second-hand electronic test and measurement (”T&M”) equipment. The companies sell, buy, lease, rent, trade, repair and calibrate over 315 manufacturers including Anritsu, Rohde & Schwarz, Agilent, Tektronix, Advantest, LeCroy, Chroma and Fluke, with thousands of products available. The companies are a single source supplier with in-house calibration laboratories assuring that customers receive only the highest quality T&M equipment and support. Test Equipment Connection Corporation has over 250,000 customers, a 45,000 square foot warehouse and repair facility in the US, and 16 years of profitability and financial strength.



for more information

About LeCroy Corporation:
LeCroy Corporation is a worldwide leader in serial data test solutions, creating advanced instruments that drive product innovation by quickly measuring, analyzing, and verifying complex electronic signals. The Company offers high-performance oscilloscopes, serial data analyzers, and global communications protocol test solutions used by design engineers in the computer and semiconductor, data storage device, automotive and industrial, and military and aerospace markets. LeCroy’s 40-year heritage of technical innovation is the foundation for its recognized leadership in “WaveShape Analysis”—capturing, viewing, and measuring the high-speed signals that drive today’s information and communications technologies. LeCroy is headquartered in Chestnut Ridge, New York.

Download the LeCroy WaveAce Press Release.pdf

For More Information Contact:

Abu Dhabi to become the First capital city in the World with 100% Fiber Deployment by the end of 2010

January 11th, 2010

Etisalat selects Alcatel-Lucent to accelerate the deployment of its nationwide fiber optic network in the United Arab Emirates

Paris, January 11, 2010 – Alcatel-Lucent (Euronext Paris and NYSE: ALU) today announced that it has been selected by Etisalat, the UAE’s leading telecommunications service provider, to speed up the deployment of its nationwide fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) network. In this multi-million Euro deal, Etisalat will utilize Alcatel-Lucent’s award-winning gigabit passive optical network (GPON) technology to connect 50,000 households and business customers.

Etisalat will use Alcatel-Lucent’s GPON platform to provide residential and business customers with simultaneous access to several high-definition (HD) TV channels and a Video on Demand (VOD) library – all while enabling them to surf the Internet up to 16 times faster.

“Etisalat is always keen to stay at the forefront of innovation in order to constantly provide our customers with the most attractive and advanced telecoms services. Etisalat’s FTTH roll-out in the UAE – branded eLife – positions Abu Dhabi to become the first capital city in the world with 100% fiber deployment by the end of this year. UAE will be one of the first countries in the world to have a nationwide fiber optics coverage by 2011,” said Essa Al Haddad, Chief Marketing Officer for Etisalat UAE.

“Through this partnership with Alcatel‑Lucent, we will be able to accelerate the deployment of new and advanced service offerings that will revolutionize our customers’ triple play and home entertainment experience. Concretely, Alcatel‑Lucent’s GPON platform will support the delivery of high-definition television (HDTV), video on demand, and the fastest Internet download and upload speeds,” he added.

“This contract is a key milestone for Alcatel-Lucent as it further strengthens our prominent position in the global – and UAE – FTTH market,” said Amr El Leithy, President of Alcatel-Lucent’s business in the Middle East and Africa. “We are fully committed to continue leveraging this leadership to help our customers transform their networks cost-effectively – catering to the surge of end-users’ bandwidth requirements, closely linked to today’s converged multimedia trend,” he added.

Alcatel-Lucent will deploy its 7342 Intelligent Services Access Manager Fiber-to-the-User (ISAM FTTU) GPON-based platform, and the related Alcatel-Lucent 5520 Access Management System. In addition, Alcatel-Lucent is supplying a range of optical network terminals (ONTs) to install at the end-users’ premises, and will provide Etisalat with its professional services expertise – including project management, installation, commissioning and training.

Alcatel-Lucent is the worldwide leader in the fixed broadband access market, supporting the largest mass deployments of video, voice and data services. Today, one out of three fixed broadband subscribers around the world is served through an access network provided by Alcatel-Lucent. Alcatel-Lucent is currently involved in over 95 FTTH projects worldwide, over 80 of which are with GPON.

About Etisalat:
Emirates Telecommunications Corporation, Etisalat, is considered a pioneering telecom operator in the Middle East region. Etisalat has operations and investments in 18 markets across Asia and Africa and has a stated aim of being among the top 10 telecom operators in the world by 2010. It aims to achieve this goal by providing latest telecommunications services and solutions, and by expanding through local and international investment to meet and exceed customers’ expectations. Etisalat has been ranked among the Top 500 Corporations in the world by Financial Times and the sixth largest Middle East Corporation by The Middle East magazine. For more information, visit Etisalat on the Internet: external link

About Alcatel-Lucent:
Alcatel-Lucent (Euronext Paris and NYSE: ALU) is the trusted partner of service providers, enterprises and governments worldwide, providing solutions to deliver voice, data and video communication services to end-users. A leader in fixed, mobile and converged broadband networking, IP technologies, applications and services, Alcatel-Lucent leverages the unrivalled technical and scientific expertise of Bell Labs, one of the largest innovation powerhouses in the communications industry. With operations in more than 130 countries and the most experienced global services organization in the industry, Alcatel-Lucent is a local partner with a global reach. Alcatel-Lucent achieved revenues of Euro 16.98 billion in 2008 and is incorporated in France, with executive offices located in Paris. For more information, visit Alcatel-Lucent on the Internet:

Northrop Grumman and U.S. Army Recently Completed Successful EMI/EMC Testing on the First RC-12X Guardrail

January 5th, 2010

Northrop Grumman and the U.S. Army Achieve Major Milestone Toward RC-12X Guardrail Airworthiness Certification

EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE, Fla., Jan. 5, 2010 – Northrop Grumman Corporation and the U.S. Army recently completed successful electromagnetic interference/electromagnetic compatibility (EMI/EMC) testing on the first RC-12X Guardrail, bringing this highly-capable signals intelligence (SIGINT) system one step closer to providing mission-critical capability to the warfighter this year.

The RC-12X Guardrail is the Army’s premier airborne SIGINT sensor and ground processing system, providing precision geo-location and identification of threats to enable the Brigade Combat Team’s Find, Fix, Finish, Exploit, Analyze and Disseminate (F3EAD) battle command process. The RC-12X Guardrail Modernization program introduces new payloads to the system with enhanced capabilities to sense and exploit emerging and rapidly evolving irregular and conventional warfare threats. The program also enhances the sustainability of the RC-12X through commonality and significant hardware and software improvements.

“This test is a major milestone both for the Army and for Northrop Grumman as we work toward fielding the improved system in 2010,” said Trip Carter, director for Northrop Grumman’s Airborne Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (AISR) initiatives. “Our RC-12X Guardrail team is working closely with the Army to ensure that we deploy highly reliable SIGINT capabilities into operations on cost and schedule to fulfill the warfighter’s most challenging missions.”

The EMI/EMC testing validates operation of the aircraft’s electronic systems in a large, electromagnetically shielded chamber. Various combinations of the avionics and sensor payload equipment are operated independently and simultaneously to identify potential sources of interference or compatibility issues that can effect operations. EMI/EMC testing is required before an airworthiness certificate can be issued.

This most recent test was one in a series of successful assessments before delivery to the Army, currently scheduled for summer 2010. Subsystem tests are underway in Northrop Grumman’s Systems Integration Labs (SILs) in Sacramento, Calif. Ground testing of communications links and basic system functionality begins this month, and flight testing is scheduled to begin in early 2010.

Northrop Grumman Corporation is a global defense and technology company whose 120,000 employees provide innovative systems, products, and solutions in information and services, electronics, aerospace and shipbuilding to government and commercial customers worldwide.  (source