Test Equipment Connection Monthly Specials

Fluke 8010A

Sale price

The Fluke 8010A Digital Multimeter is a portable 3.5 digit DMM that offers performance and features at a low cost. Measurement functions include DC volts, true-rms AC volts from 45 Hz to 50 kHz, DC amps, true-rms AC amps, ohms, conductance, and diod…(Continue to site)


Aeroflex IFR 4000-01

Sale price

The Aeroflex-IFR 4000 Nav/Comm Test Set, with its lightweight size under 8 lbs., long run time battery 8 hrs and ergonomic design, will provide the user with the most portable navigational communications ramp test set on the market today. Cockpit…(Continue to site)


Tescom TC-5901C

Sale price

Tescom TC-5901C Pneumatic Shield Box is about 50% larger in test area and height than our popular TC-595X series shield boxes providing more flexibility in handling larger devices and test fixtures. This product provides an efficient RF-isolated test…(Continue to site)



Megger DET4TCR2

Sale price

Megger DET4TCR2 Ground ResistanceTester Features – Rechargeable earth system testers for four pole attached rod and stakeless techniques – 2 3 and 4 point testing at the turn of a switch – Attached Rod Technique ART enabled – Stake…(Continue to site)



Tescom TC-5970C

Sale price

RF radiation shielding test box for testing medium and large size wireless devices. …(Continue to site)


Tescom TC-5942B

Sale price

Pneumatic Shield Box The TESCOM TC-5942B Pneumatic Test Cell is designed for RF interference isolation during the mobile radio and PCB tests. …(Continue to site)


Anritsu MT8212B-21-25-27-28-31-33-34-42-43-62-63

Sale price

Cell Master Handheld Cable, Antenna and Base Station Analyzer Cell Master MT8212B is the value choice for deploying, maintaining and troubleshooting wireless base stations. Com…(Continue to site)


EIP 585B

Sale price

The EIP 585B measures CW or pulsed microwave RF signals. The CW measurement range is 100 Hz – 20 GHz. The pulsed RF measurement range is 250 MHz – 20 GHz. Repetitive pulsed RF signals as narrow as 50 ns with prf’s from 250 ns to 1 second can be measu…(Continue to site)


Sale price

High Speed, Science-Grade Infrared Camera These high-speed, high-resolution science grade cameras provide Gigabit Ethernet, Camera Link and USB interfaces for maximum flexibility and performance. They also feature simultaneous digital and an…(Continue to site)


Kaelus IQA-700LC

Sale price

Kaelus-Summitek IQA-700LC Passive Intermodulation PIM Analyzer The iQA series Passive Intermodulation PIM analyzer is a feature rich, high power PIM test solution. This field proven analyzer enables network operators to improve site performan…(Continue to site)

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Mike is a finance industry executive with expertise in test, IT and avionics equipment acquisition, resale, residual valuation, leasing, renting and consignment.
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