The 3 “R’s” to Reduce Capital Equipment Expenditure

The 3 “R’s” to Reduce Capital Equipment Expenditure During These Tight Economic Times

Capital budgets are tighter than ever, and these 3 simple steps can help extend even the tightest of budgets. Manufacturing facilities are faced with the smallest budgets ever,  engineers and technicians are struggling to find ways to extend their test equipment resources, while still maintaining efficiency, productivity and quality.

Utilize the following information as a plan for economic recovery:

  • Repair, Calibrate and Maintain your Equipment – Often companies will replace equipment when it is out of calibration or needs repairs. Instead of replacing equipment consider repairing it  – Test Equipment Connection offers repair and calibration services for test equipment from over 300 different test and measurement manufacturers. NIST and Specialty calibrations are available as well as repairs for thousands of obsolete models that the manufacturers no longer support.
  • Replace with Refurbished -Many companies including the US Government have a buying preference for new equipment even when the same make and model is available at a substantial savings. Refurbished test equipment generally has a savings of 30 to 80 percent off new list prices, includes a part and labor warranty, and has an acceptance period to ensure satisfaction. Work with a trusted company – Test Equipment Connection has over 16 years experience in the global test and measurement community.
  • Resale -Manage your idle assets, idle equipment is a negative asset that takes up your valuable space, time and money. Prevent your equipment from becoming obsolete and protect your investment by using our Consignment Services or Trade-In programs for your underutilized test and measurement equipment, receive cash or credit towards the test solutions you need today. This is a great way to maximize the value of surplus, excess and underutilized T&M solutions.

Test Equipment Connection
Voice: 800-615-8378 | 407-804-1299

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Mike is a finance industry executive with expertise in test, IT and avionics equipment acquisition, resale, residual valuation, leasing, renting and consignment.
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