Wireless Gigabit Alliance

What is the Wireless Gigabit Alliance?

WiGig Alliance was established by technology leaders within the CE, PC, semiconductor and handheld industries to address the need for faster, wireless connectivity between computing, communications and entertainment devices. The organization has developed a unified specification that allows devices to communicate at multi-gigabit speeds never before experienced with wireless technology. Their mission is to establish a global ecosystem of high-speed and easy-to-use wireless devices that work together seamlessly to connect people in the digital age. WiGig technology enables multi-gigabit wireless communications among consumer electronics, handheld devices and PCs, and drives industry convergence to a single radio using the readily available, unlicensed 60 GHz spectrum. (source wirelessgigabitalliance.org)

The WiGig version 1.0 specification includes the following key elements:

  • Supports data transmission rates up to 7 Gbps – more than 10x faster than the highest 802.11n rate
  • Supplements and extends the 802.11 Medium Access Control (MAC) layer and is backward compatible with the IEEE 802.11 standard
  • Physical layer enables both the low power and the high performance WiGig devices, guaranteeing interoperability and communication at gigabit rates
  • Protocol adaptation layers are being developed to support specific system interfaces including data buses for PC peripherals and display interfaces for HDTVs, monitors and projectors
  • Support for beamforming, enabling robust communication at distances beyond 10 meters
  • Widely used advanced security and power management for WiGig devices

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Mike is a finance industry executive with expertise in test, IT and avionics equipment acquisition, resale, residual valuation, leasing, renting and consignment.
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