Agilent E1439C Single-Channel Digitizer

Agilent E1439C Single-Channel Digitizer

The Agilent E1439C is a advanced, single-channel digitizer that is designed for a broad range of RF communication applications. The IF input of the 95 MSa/s digitizer allows for easy connection to microwave and VHF/UHF tuners. It’s a single-slot module that’s designed to allow high-resolution sampling, and capably offers spurious-free dynamic range, signal conditioning capability, digital filtering, alias-protection, and a large-capacity signal capture memory.


The 95 MSa/s digitizer forms an integral part of the Agilent E1439C. This monolithic component enables the E1439C module to provide low-distortion and clean samples at a broad bandwidth and also provides high sample linearity. Its minimum spurious signal contamination is –90 dBfs. The distortion for this high-performance module is below –62 dBc in the full scale mode. At lower levels, the distortion is aprox  –70 dBc, with the noise density of the  module being -132 dBfs/Hz.

Learn more about decibels relative to the carrier (dBc)

The digitizer can be switched between baseband input and 70MHz IF input with the help of easy to use software and the baseband input does not require any attenuator. Attenuators with a 1 db step are required in the case of the 70 MHz input. 70 MHz is a suitable IF output for the UHF, VHF, and microwave tuners. High dynamic range wideband and sampled data can be generated by pairing the E1439C module with another tuner, which makes it especially useful for spectrum analysis when required.

Advanced Features

The Agilent E1439C’s advanced features also offer exceptional digital decimation filtering functionality. The real-time filters are ideal for reducing noise and improving signal-to-noise ratio. This feature also enables users to filter out any unwanted signals. The filters are designed to improve data efficiency. Decimation of output filter data reduces the quantity and rate without interfering with the signal information. A digital LO is also included in the filter section, which utilizes quadrature mixing to process digital modulation formats. The complex filter shifter is used for tuning the digital filters center frequency. Additionally, the LO utilizes quadrature mixing to process digital modulation formats.

Learn more about Analog Signal Conditioning

The E1439C digitizer features a powerful analog signal conditioning capability. An anti-alias filter is also included in this feature to enable Nyquist-compatible sampling. Signal conditioning enables technicians to easily match the signal amplitude with the operation point of the E1439C module.

There are also various fast methods of triggering the E1439C digitizer. They include immediate triggering mode, external triggering, level triggering, and software triggering. The external clock features and external synchronization are ideal for closely coordinated sampling applications.

The E1439C also has a large built-in FIFO memory that is ideal for digital signal processing needs. The large available memory assists when processing blocks of data that are used by the algorithms during digital signal processing. The FIFO also excels when providing signal capture memory and allows the user to easily obtain high-speed data transfers when testing. It generates data at rates as high as 190 MB/sec. and comes with documentation and software to support a variety of I/O interfaces, controllers, operating systems, and programming languages.

For more information please contact us.

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Mike is a finance industry executive with expertise in test, IT and avionics equipment acquisition, resale, residual valuation, leasing, renting and consignment.
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