Anritsu S810A SiteMaster Product Review

Anritsu S810A SiteMaster Product Review

The Anritsu S810A is a portable cable and antenna analyzer with an embedded synthesized signal source, offering users a solid solution for testing and troubleshooting in the field. It is used in installation, deployment, maintenance, troubleshooting, verification and repairing of wireless communication systems.

With frequency range ranging from 3.3 to 10.5 GHz, the Anritsu S810A is designed to perform repeatable return loss/ standing wave ratio and coax/waveguide loss measurements and fault identification in cellular, paging, wide local area networks and other communication applications. It is accurate, reliable and easy-to-use device specifically designed to withstand volatile field conditions due to its high immunity to RF interference.


The in-built energy conservation features of the S810A coupled with an internal rechargeable battery enables users to conduct measurements in an remote site for up to three hours a day, making it an excellent choice when working in more remote areas where power is not easily available. It can also be operated from a 12.5 to 15 Vdc source while simultaneously charging the battery.

Frequency Domain Reflectometry

The Anritsu S810A  helps to reduce costs by use of Frequency Domain Reflectometry technique to find minute and hidden cable and antenna problems. The use of FDR technique in preventive maintenance not only enhances the quality of the system but also saves both money and time resources.

Learn more about Frequency Domain Reflectometry

The easy to understand, menu driven multilingual user interface in the Anritsu S810A makes it possible for users to perform any required testing tasks with speed and accuracy. The design of the interface is very intuitive to use.  Pop-up menus for cable list and waveguide list are clearly defined. The user can quickly select via the keypad either waveguide or cable type test parameters without setup errors, and view the results instantly on the LCD screen.

Internal Memory

The S810A has non-volatile internal memory that can store more than nine test setups and two hundred data traces. These setups can be used for comparison to historical system performance, for future troubleshooting and for repeatable testing and offer the technician valuable reference data. The advanced technology offers alphanumeric labeling of saved data and automatic time and date stamp methods, and is used to facilitate easier access and identification of saved data or measurements.

The Distance-To-Fault display feature built in the Anritsu S810A unit enables users to locate problematic areas in the system like discontinuity in transmission line, before they degrade the whole system. Using DTF display testing can be done from a remote distance, assisting users when testing in isolated and difficult to reach areas. Embedded in the unit there is also a provision of RS232 DB9 interface through which PC can be connected to for collection and further analysis of data. The technician is easily able to work with applications including cellular, PCS, GSM, WLAN, 3G, WLL, and VHF.

Read Distance To Fault application notes

With an easy to use advanced technology that combines precise measurement with rugged in the field capabilities. the Anritsu S810A is a rock solid choice.  Contact us for information.

View The Anritsu S810A SiteMaster

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John Bahng

John is a Hong Kong based test equipment industry executive active in buying, selling and repositioning of surplus wireless test equipment assets for import and export. You can find him on
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