Looking to Purchase a Pulse Generator?

Looking to Purchase a Pulse Generator?


Test Equipment Connection is the authorized USA distributor for Avtech Electrosystems Ltd., a Canadian manufacturer of industry leading pulse generators, pulsed laser diode drivers, amplifiers, and semiconductor device testers.

Avtech Pulse products can be found in labs worldwide and range from basic ±5V pulse generators up to 500 Amp high-current laser diode drivers.  High end Avtech solutions include high-speed pulse generators with very low rise times.

Avtech customers are a who’s who of world re known electronics research facilities such as NASA, Argonne National Laboratories, and the US Department of Defense. http://www.avtechpulse.com/clients/

Are you operational in the USA and in the market for a pulse generator? Request a quote today on an Avtech product from Test Equipment Connection.

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Mike is a finance industry executive with expertise in test, IT and avionics equipment acquisition, resale, residual valuation, leasing, renting and consignment.
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