Megger Best Practices Battery Maintenance and Substation Seminars

Free Megger Best Practices Battery Maintenance and Substation Seminars

Megger Best Practices Battery Maintenance and Substation Seminars now in Atlanta, Georgia and Orlando, Florida

Secondary batteries play an essential role in many areas of business and commerce, but to be sure that they deliver their full performance when called upon to do so, regular testing is needed.

To learn more Megger is presenting FREE one-day seminars across the United States and recently we have added events in Georgia and Florida. The seminars address some of the most important and costly issues relating to battery and substation maintenance, and include extensive practical

Megger’s Best Practices Battery and Substation Seminars are being held at the following locations:

October 26th
Holiday Inn Atlanta/Roswell
909 Holcomb Bridge Rd.
Roswell, Georgia 30076
click here to register

October 28th 2010
Holiday Inn Main Gate
5711 West U.S. Hwy 192
Kissimmee, FL 34746
click here to register

The key focus of the Best Practices Battery and Substation Seminar is condition analysis, and the assessment of power transformers. All sessions include show-and-tell demonstrations of practical techniques for maximizing reliability, including the most commonly used methods and practices.

Among the topics covered in detail for circuit breakers are basic testing techniques, first trip testing, static and dynamic resistance measurements, vibration analysis, the formulation of test plans and reporting.

For power transformers, recent advances in condition analysis and assessment are presented, complemented by discussion and demonstration of the most useful and convenient test techniques. These include power factor testing, sweep frequency response analysis (SFRA) and insulation diagnostic analyzer (IDAX) applications.

Invaluable information is also provided on Battery Performance Testing and Reporting data collection, trending and analysis via PowerDB software, as well as insights into how companies are coping with the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) data collection and management requirements.

Participants of this training seminar will improve business skills, share insights, and learn from Megger’s technology specialists as they share their expertise by addressing many of the challenges seen in the electric power industry today. Topics will highlight HV Circuit Breaker Testing and Condition Analysis, and Assessment of Power Transformers. Each session will include show and tell demonstrations on the practical aspects of ensuring reliability including common methods and practices.

Sign up early as spaces are limited. Please contact Nicole Stokes at 214 330 3245 or email to register.


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Mike is a finance industry executive with expertise in test, IT and avionics equipment acquisition, resale, residual valuation, leasing, renting and consignment.
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