Public Testing of the First Television White Spaces Database

FCC’s Office of Engineering and Technology Issues Public Notice to Start Public Testing for Spectrum Bridge’s TV White Spaces Database System

Washington, D.C. The Federal Communications Commission issued a Public Notice announcing that the Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) will commence a 45-day public trial of Spectrum Bridge Inc.’s TV band database system, beginning September 19, 2011.

Unused spectrum between TV stations–called white spaces–represents a valuable opportunity for our changing wireless mobile landscape. This block of spectrum is powerful platform for innovation and experimental use, holding rich potential for research and commercial purposes. The result of white spaces innovation has already led to a wave of new consumer technologies, including wi-fi and other innovations like baby monitors and cordless phones that have generated billions in economic growth.

Commission rules require that unlicensed TV band devices contact an authorized database system to obtain a list of channels that are available for their operation (i.e., channels not occupied by authorized radio services) at their individual locations and must operate only on those channels.

The limited trial is intended to allow the public to access and test Spectrum Bridge’s database system to ensure that it correctly identifies channels that are available for unlicensed TV band devices, properly registers those facilities entitled to protection, and provides protection to authorized services and registered facilities as specified in the rules. FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski said, “Unleashing white spaces spectrum will enable a new wave of wireless innovation. It has the potential to exceed the billions of dollars in economic benefit from wi-fi, the last significant release of unlicensed spectrum, and drive private investment and job creation.”

Parties may participate in the trial by accessing Spectrum Bridge’s TV band database test facility at

The trial of the Spectrum Bridge database system is scheduled to last for 45 days and will end on November 2, 2011. During this trial, participants are encouraged to test the channel availability calculator; the cable headend and broadcast auxiliary temporary receive site registration utilities; and the wireless microphone registration utility to ensure that each of these elements of the database system is working properly and providing the interference protection required under our rules.

In addition, participants are encouraged to report any inaccuracies or other issues with any aspect of the database system to Spectrum Bridge through the response facility on the trial’s website. Spectrum Bridge will respond, as appropriate, to such reports with an explanation and notification of any responsive actions it may take, as appropriate. During the trial, Spectrum Bridge may apply any corrective measures it determines are needed and will advise participants of such measures through the trial’s website.

Participants are also encouraged to report any inaccuracies or other issues with any aspect of the database system to Spectrum Bridge through the response facility on the trial’s website, which will make modifications as appropriate. After the close of the trial, Spectrum Bridge will provide a summary report to OET that identifies problems reported and their disposition, as well as descriptions of changes made to the channel availability calculator or registration systems.

Read the Public Notice here: (source

The FCC TV White Spaces Database Certification Public Trial went live at 8.30am EDT on September 19, 2011.

Who is Spectrum Bridge?

From Their About Us Page:
Spectrum Bridge, Inc. (SBI) provides software and services for the next generation of wireless networking. Our solutions address the industry’s insatiable demand for wireless bandwidth by utilizing database-driven cognitive networking technology to redefine the way in which spectrum is accessed, allocated, and utilized. Founded in 2007 by a team of proven wireless experts, Spectrum Bridge established its leadership in the spectrum marketplace thorough the company’s flagship products and Providing the only online marketplace of available licensed radio spectrum for sale or lease on the secondary market, increases the visibility into available spectrum solutions, while enabling access to underused spectrum. As the creators of the first TV white space channel map capable of showing spectrum availability across all 3,141 U.S. counties, along with our TV white space trial initiatives, demonstrate the viability of this newly unlicensed band as a means for addressing the perceived spectrum scarcity crisis. Spectrum Bridge has achieved remarkable recognition over the past couple of years. The FCC conditionally appointed Spectrum Bridge a TV White Space Database Administrator in January 2011. In addition to this, the Company’s achievements were recognized in the National Broadband Plan in 2010 as the first to deploy multiple trial networks using TV White Spaces.

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Mike is a finance industry executive with expertise in test, IT and avionics equipment acquisition, resale, residual valuation, leasing, renting and consignment.
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