Pulsed Constant-Current Generators

New Avtech Pulsed Constant-Current Generators

The AV-108E-5A-B and AV-108F-5A-B models are pulsed constant-current generators designed for driving laser diodes and other low impedance loads.

They provide current pulses as high as 12.5 Amperes into load voltages to 90 Volts, pulse widths from 20 us to 1 ms, and average output powers to 40 or 300 Watts. The two new 12.5 Amp models complement the 50 to 200 Amp models in the series.

The high compliance voltage (90V) makes them particularly suitable for driving laser arrays.

The 40 Watt model (the AV-108E-5A-B) is entirely self- contained in a single chassis, and is powered from a standard AC line connection (100-240 Volts, 50-60 Hz). Available to the USA Only

The high-power 300 Watt model (the AV-108F-5A-B) requires an external user-supplied DC power supply in addition to standard AC power. This permits operation at higher duty cycles. Available to the USA Only

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Mike is a finance industry executive with expertise in test, IT and avionics equipment acquisition, resale, residual valuation, leasing, renting and consignment.
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