Tektronix RSA6106A Spectrum Analyzer Product Review

Tektronix RSA6106A Spectrum Analyzer Product Review

The Tektronix RSA6106A is a high-performance spectrum analyzer designed to offer precision test and measurement functionality required by today’s challenging test environments. Its advanced technology utilizes the broadband pre-selection filters that are usually available in the signal path. It productively allows measurement of signal and power statistics using its standard toolset, and capably supports Channel Power, Occupied Bandwidth, CCDF, AM/FM/PM, ACLR, and Spurious measurements.


The embedded DPX spectrum display is designed to offer a unique live display of signal transients. This feature enables operators to determine the stability of their system designs easily in the frequency domain. Faults are instantly displayed when they occur. The spectrum analyzer integrates powerful functionalities that enable users to carry out a variety of spectrum measurements including event triggering, contiguous time record capturing, and time-correlated signal analysis.

Learn more about cumulative distribution function (CDF)

Its DPX signal processing technology also allows for enhanced transient analysis. The patented technology utilized in the spectrum analyzer enables operators to study transient events with live analysis capability. The analyzer enables users to color code events into bitmap displays. The equipment is also specially designed to allow broadband transient capturing using the DPX spectrum processor.


Triggers for Troubleshooting

The Tektronix RSA6106A additionally is an excellent choice for triggered signal analysis. The spectrum analyzer provides suitable triggers that are essential for troubleshooting modern RF systems. Some of the trigger types that the equipment offers include runt, frequency mark, density and time-qualified power. The time qualification capability allows capturing of both the long and short pulses of a pulse train. Troublesome infrequent pulses are easily measured using the runt triggers. The power trigger is suitable for monitoring user-defined power threshold in time domain.

Learn more about Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio (ACLR)

The RSA6106A is known for increasing productivity in testing environments. It allows technicians to make multiple measurements quickly and simultaneously. The signals within the specified bandwidth are automatically recorded in the deep memory of the spectrum analyzer. The record lengths depend on the acquisition bandwidth selected by the user. The 73 dB SFDR allows real-time capturing of small signals in different acquisition bandwidths.

Key Features and Benefits

  • ● (FMT) Frequency Mask Triggers at 40MHz and 110 MHz allow easy capturing of of transient RF signal via triggering
  • ● Easily capture any signals into memory up to 110MHz
  • ● 2 available models (6.2 and 14 GHz)
  • ● Acquisition Length to 1.7 s at 110 MHz allows for complete analysis, and multiple multiple acquisitions are not required.
  • ● Easy RF probing with Tekconnect interface

In summary, the analysis capabilities of the Tektronix RSA6106A enable users to carry out advanced measurements in RF design, performance verification, and integration. Its smart design is made for professionals working in spectrum management. The spectrograms are designed to display both amplitude and frequency variations over time. Easily perform time-correlated measurements across the modulation, amplitude, phase, and frequency domains. and also perform signal analysis exercises that involve frequency hopping, modulation switching, pulse characteristics, bandwidth changes, intermittent signals, and settling time. It also excels when measuring Channel Power, Occupied Bandwidth, Adjacent Channel Power, xdB Bandwidth, Spectrum Emissions Mask, and dBm/Hz Marker.

Contact us for more information or a quote.

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Mike is a finance industry executive with expertise in test, IT and avionics equipment acquisition, resale, residual valuation, leasing, renting and consignment.
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