Testing RF Devices, Cables Used for Maintenance

Configuration Requirements for Emission Testing and Cables

Question: What are the configuration requirements for emission testing of an Equipment Under Test (EUT) when the cables, which are absent during normal operation and are connected only temporarily (for maintenance, initial installation, pre-programming, repair, adjustment etc..

Answer: ANSI Standard C63.4 – 2003, which is incorporated the FCC Rules by reference (47 CFR 15.31(a)(6) and 15.38), is the procedure the FCC uses for testing most intentional and unintentional radiators. Cables that are used only temporarily for maintenance, repair, adjustment, etc. need not be connected to the EUT during compliance testing. Cables that are used during normal operation, whether permanently connected or not, must be connected. (See Clause 6.2 of ANSI Standard C63.4-2003.)
(source fcc.gov / Publication Number: 368196)

Agilent/HP 85054B Standard Mechanical Calibration Kit, DC to 18 GHz,
Type-N, 50 ohm The Agilent 85054B mechanical calibration kit contains
precision standard devices
Precision mechanical calibration kit, DC to 26.5 GHz, 3.5 mm The Agilent
85052C precision mechanical calibration kit contains precision standard
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Flexible Cable Set, 2.4 mm to 3.5 mm
Agilent/HP 85133F Flexible Cable Set, 2.4 mm The Agilent 85133F is a 63
cm (25 in) long1 flexible cable set composed of a 2.4 mm female2 to
PSC-2.4 mm
Flexible Cable Set The Agilent 85131F is a 62.2 cm (24.5 in) long1
flexible cable set composed of a 3.5 mm female2 to PSC-3.5 mm female
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Mike is a finance industry executive with expertise in test, IT and avionics equipment acquisition, resale, residual valuation, leasing, renting and consignment.
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