When Your Grip on Power Fluxuates – Use 54 KW AC Sources

Embedded usually means DC-powered electronics sometimes run by batteries. But military systems are different: They can require high DC voltages (28 VDC for vetronics) and even high-current AC in many airborne platforms. Alternating current is more efficient in these instances and is eventually converted into DC for the electronic suites. Chroma Systems Solutions offers a way to rig three 18 KW 1- and 3-phase units in parallel to source up to 54 KW. The lab testing-oriented 61501 and 61601 are programmable and use advanced DSP algorithms to generate very clean sine waves with a total distortion that’s less than 0.5 percent at 50/60 Hz. Designed to test aerospace systems in accordance with MIL-STD-704F, RTCA DO-160D, and ABD100, the units offer power line disturbance simulation, programmable output impedance, wave-shape synthesis, and the ability to simulate harmonic components in the waveforms to simulate dirty power often found in deployed applications. Front-panel programmability includes an LCD and keypad, along with remote control via GPIB, RS-232, USB, or Ethernet. LabVIEW drivers are even available. (source Military Embedded Systems)

Chroma Systems Solutions 61500 Series High-power AC power source 12K VA – 18 KVA

  • 1 – 3 Phase
  • Highest performance ACS source with power analyzer functions built-in
  • Provides 0-300 VAC or 0-424VDC output from a single source
  • Built-in DSP provides for voltage transient simulations, harmonic current measurements and compliance testing to many IEC and military standards

Chroma 61500/61600 series are able to provide precision measurements such as RMS voltage, RMS current, true power, power factor, current crest factor and so on. By applying the advanced DSP technology, model 61511/61512 can measure THD and up to 40 orders of current harmonic components. And 61511/61512 can easily simulate power line disturbance  (PLD) by LIST, PULSE and STEP modes. They also allow users to compose different harmonic components to synthesize their own harmonic distorted wave-shapes. Besides that, users can program a sweeping frequency component incorporate with fundamental voltage to find the resonance points of UUT. To simulate the natural waveform, the 61500 series also provides an external analog input to amplify the analog signal from arbitrary signal generator. Thus, it is capable of simulating the unique waveform observed in the field.

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Mike is a finance industry executive with expertise in test, IT and avionics equipment acquisition, resale, residual valuation, leasing, renting and consignment.
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