LitePoint Wireless Test Systems at Great Savings

LitePoint Wireless Test Systems at Great Savings

The LitePoint IQFlex is a simple wireless test solution that is very easy to configure to your needs.  It is basically a 3 in 1 tester that has a Vector Signal Generator and a Vector Signal Analyzer combined to check both the input and output signal of the unit under test. Also integrated is the power measuring capability which allows you to replace 3 instruments used most commonly for this type of testing; a Spectrum Analyzer, Power Meter, and Signal Generator.

Just a few years back we started seeing these units available on the used market and customer success stories are many.  This is a very reliable test instrument, allowing customization by using your own software, and very fast. These units are in high demand and the failure rate is minimal. We have sold and rented many of these with no problems whatsoever. Some of our customers need calibration for these, and we can provide as well.

The LitePoint IQFlex Offers Multiple Options

The IQFlex  a/b/g/n options that are available support WLAN, Bluetooth and WiFi  connectivity testing.  So many consumer devices today include one or all of these technologies giving lower cost abundant wireless functions to everyday users.  Digital cameras, Smart TV, Smart Phones, GPS, Automobiles, for example all have built in wireless features.  Security, automation, ease of data transfer, safety, and instant information availability are now at your finger tips because of lower cost testing solutions.
The IQFlex implementation into the manufacturing lines of companies like Apple, Google and Intel has facilitated innovation for new products with more capabilities at a lower price. Inventions like the IWatch, Google Glasses and Android Laptops are good examples.


Big Savings on Pre Owned LitePoint Products

Buying a refurbished, used IQFlex can be advantageous for a few reasons.  First, it has been “burned-in” meaning the instrument was in a manufacturing environment and used daily.  This would be the QC test that would weed out any early mortality or DOA units because of faulty components that would typically fail within the 1st 30 days of use.  Second, stock delivery means there is no manufacturer lead time and you can receive your fully warranted calibrated IQFlex/a/b/g/n in 7 to 10 days.  Since there are no moving parts, it is ready to use and highly resistant to failure.

LitePoint was acquired by Teledyne in 2011 but these products are still branded and marketed using the LitePoint name because of its legacy popularity. If you test wireless devices in a production setting, then you may also be familiar with the IQView. Although less popular than the IQFlex, many software programs are 100% compatible between these two products.

Learn more about Teledyne

Check out the Newer and Powerful IQ2010

We have also made a significant investment in the LitePoint IQ2010. This tester also supports high volume production and test for wireless device manufacturers. This is another software driven product that can reduce the amount of time historically needed for various test scenarios. We are actively buying these models now and ongoing.


We purchase, rent and sell these LitePoint solutions. The market is demanding this high cost test gear because of overall reliability and ease of use. Supply and demand can vary, thus impacting prices, so we strongly recommend a consultation with us should you require this technology or have LitePoint product that is surplus to your production needs.

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Mike is a finance industry executive with expertise in test, IT and avionics equipment acquisition, resale, residual valuation, leasing, renting and consignment.
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