Network Monitoring and Management Solutions Market Gears Up

Network Monitoring and Management Solutions Market Gears Up to Meet the Challenges of Migration

Network vendors in the performance monitoring and management solutions market are often daunted by the vast complexity of interprocess communications (IPC) and the need to scale with large network environments, running several applications simultaneously. Vendors with multiple management tools and data servers, and a separate solution for wireless performance of their networks will be hard pressed to focus on a unified holistic solution to manage the network services and applications proactively.

To best this challenge, vendors need to understand the interrelationship, inter-dependencies and interrelated impact of the performances of each of these applications and services.

New analysis from Frost & Sullivan, World Network Performance Monitoring and Management Solutions Market for Enterprises, finds that the market earned revenues of $1.49 billion by the end of 2010. It market is expected to reach $3.37 billion at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.3 percent from 2010 to 2017. (

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“Market participants have to provide an integrated network performance solution on a unified base to monitor and analyze network data and traffic in all the seven layers of the open system interconnection (OSI) model,” says Frost & Sullivan Research Analyst Mariano Kimbara.

Leading participants in this market are offering unified knowledge, unified ability and an integrated framework with other existing management solutions to manage applications and services more effectively. The continuous trend towards integration of network monitoring solutions with common data and other management tools has given a huge boost to the network monitoring market. This unified perspective is likely to not only accelerate the growth of the market but also influence product development.

“Most companies now talk of adding cloud capabilities to their product and service offerings, and several of them now claim to be cloud-based,” notes Kimbara. “There is a trend to store data not only internally but also externally and this is changing the nature of networking.”

Meanwhile, the rapid growth in network volume has spawned a need for network storage to gauge the way a network will perform in the future. The higher network volume has also led to greater complexity in monitoring the performance of networks and providing detailed information. With the introduction of next-generation services, bandwidth-intensive applications have placed huge demands on networks for transporting higher amounts of data traffic.

As the industry migrates from 10 Gbps to 40 and 100 Gbps network speeds, vendors will have to overcome migration-related issues before they can meet the escalating demands for data and bandwidth.

“Today, with the possibility of analyzing the data by looking at historical information and with extra storage room, simulation of the same issue is no longer necessary,” observes Kimbara. “This saves time in analyzing the network issues.”

World Network Performance Monitoring and Management Solutions Market for Enterprises is part of the Test & Measurement Growth Partnership Services program, which also includes research in the following markets: World Wireless Protocol Analyzers and Network Monitoring Systems Market. World Service Assurance Markets. All research services included in subscriptions provide detailed market opportunities and industry trends that have been evaluated following extensive interviews with market participants.

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Mike is a finance industry executive with expertise in test, IT and avionics equipment acquisition, resale, residual valuation, leasing, renting and consignment.
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