World xDSL Test Equipment Market

Upswing in Demand for IPTV and Broadband-based Video Services Stokes Growth in the World xDSL Test Equipment Market

Participants focus on enhancing QoS and QoE to activate demand for xDSL test equipment products

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. – Sept. 21, 2011 – The spike in demand for Internet protocol TV (IPTV) and broadband-based video service is a major factor spearheading growth in the world xDSL test equipment market. High bandwidth requirements for IPTV and customers’ higher expectations of service uptime are forcing service providers to purchase the latest test equipment and service monitoring tools.

The IPTV network infrastructure is complex with many protocol layers, including the physical layer, asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) layer, and IP layer, present between the video source and the subscriber’s TV. As the video stream passes through these various protocol layers, it is prone to audio drop-out, pixelization and distortion. Service providers understand the need to perform network testing to identify the exact location of faults in the network before those faults affect their customers.

New analysis from Frost & Sullivan

(, World xDSL Test Equipment Market, finds that the market earned revenues of $279.0 million in 2010 and estimates this to reach $545.7 million in 2016.

“Simple DSL metrics are no longer sufficient to support QoE, which has resulted in an upsurge in demand for multilayer test equipment capable of testing the triple play architecture (voice, video and data) in real-time,” says Frost & Sullivan Senior Research Analyst Srihari Padmanabhan. “Due to heavy competition in the service provider segment, QoE and QoS in the broadband service market will assume great importance in the future and enable growth in the xDSL test equipment market.”

Wireless broadband technology is witnessing significant activity. Factors such as convenience (mobility), cost of deployment, and bandwidth are pushing subscriber migration from DSL to wireless broadband technology. As network equipment manufacturers develop advanced routers and modems to optimize the reach of wireless technology, the DSL technology market is expected to be negatively impacted, restraining uptake of new xDSL test equipment.

As service providers mull significant capital expenditure (CAPEX) investment in evolving technologies, such as high bandwidth video-based services, market uncertainty necessitates careful analysis of the expected return on investment. Furthermore, a sudden demand shift for a specific DSL variant might affect a service provider’s business.

As the telecommunications space is witnessing fast-paced evolution, test equipment vendors must avidly invest in developing new products and technologies to cater to changing end-user requirements.

“The xDSL test equipment market is highly competitive, with many Tier-1 companies active in the market,” says Padmanabhan. “This leaves manufacturers with little control over pricing, which results in reduced profit margins.”

Due to pricing pressure from customers, test equipment vendors must revise their own pricing. To be successful in such a scenario, participants must perform a careful analysis of the expected return on investment and leverage their market intelligence information to tap opportunities that lie latent in the market.

If you are interested in a virtual brochure for this study, please send an email to Sarah Saatzer, Corporate Communications, at, with your full name, company name, job title, telephone number, company email address, company website, city, state and country.

World xDSL Test Equipment Market is part of the Test & Measurement Growth Partnership Service program, which also includes research in the following markets: World Network Performance Monitoring and Management Solutions Market for Enterprises, World SONET/SDH Related Test Equipment Market, World Fiber Optic Test Equipment Markets, and World Wireless Protocol Analyzers and Network Monitoring Systems Market. All research services included in subscriptions provide detailed market opportunities and industry trends that have been evaluated following extensive interviews with market participants.

Sunrise Telecom Sunset xDSL Test Set

Hand-held Test Set that supports modules for many different transmission technologies, including ADSL, IDSL, SDSL, HDSL, Voice Frequency, and Datacom

Frederick Engineering ParaScope mPA VDSL2 IPTV/Copper Bundle

Advanced handheld chassis with 7″ touch screen high-resolution display, dual 10/100 Ethernet ports, USB port, SD card port, VGA port. Includes VDSL2/ADSLx module, IPTV Analysis Suite and Copper Module Bundle.

OSP Frontline Triple-Play

The OSP FrontLine Triple-Play is an advanced modular test set developed for installation, maintenance and troubleshooting of VDSL2, ADSL, ADSL2 and ADSL2+Triple-Play services.

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Mike is a finance industry executive with expertise in test, IT and avionics equipment acquisition, resale, residual valuation, leasing, renting and consignment.
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