Next-Generation Space Imaging

February 2nd, 2012

Fiber Optic Controls and Astronomic Interferometry Experts to Unite for Next-Generation Space Imaging

Military satellites are critical sources of communications and data for today’s operations environments. Through DARPA’s Phoenix program, useable antennas or solar arrays from retired satellites in geosynchronous orbit (GEO – 36,000 kilometers above earth) could be removed and potentially re-purposed as components for new satellites to provide vital mission support. However, identifying cooperating satellites from which to harvest an array is a difficult and lengthy task using current ground-based satellite imaging techniques. By introducing precise fiber optic controls to ground-based telescopes, this challenge may be overcome. DARPA’s Galileo program seeks to bridge the precision fiber optic controls and long-baseline astronomical interferometry technical communities to enable imaging of objects in GEO faster than is possible today.

“We know the fiber optic control community is engaged in precision control of light,” explained Air Force Lt. Col. Travis Blake, DARPA program manager. “If those solutions could be meshed with the unique demands of astronomic imaging, we could develop a new means of better, faster imaging of objects in GEO. We encourage experts from both technical communities to participate in Galileo’s upcoming Proposers’ Day.”

Technology for imaging objects in space uses astronomical long-baseline interferometers, which rely on several interconnected telescopes grouped together to measure light reflections off an astronomical object as it moves across the sky. Current systems, however, can only view space objects from limited angles due to a complicated combination of evacuated light pipes—which can be several hundred feet long—turning mirrors and the active metrology required between telescopes to establish an extremely high-precision optical path.

Imaging objects in GEO is a slow process because they don’t move much in the sky relative to the Earth’s rotation. Galileo seeks to harness the power of precision fiber optic controls to connect astronomical interferometry telescopes via flexible fiber optics cable, removing the need for rigid light pipes. Fiber optics technology may enable a larger number of interconnected mobile telescopes, which could more quickly capture the data required of an object in GEO from multiple angles, resulting in faster image creation.

The Nation’s Only Megawatt-Scale Research and Development Facility

January 31st, 2012

Transforming our Nation’s Energy System

With all the benefits associated with renewable energy, why hasn’t the grid already been modernized to accommodate these clean sources of energy? The short answer is: Megawatt-scale integration is hard to find.

Our nation’s existing power grid is crucial to our way of life and cannot be shut down, overhauled, and started back up again. Yet, critical to moving clean energy technologies onto the electrical grid is the ability to carry out research, development, and megawatt-scale testing of the complex integrated systems, devices, and concepts of future electric supply and demand systems.

The Energy Systems Integration Facility (ESIF) on the campus of the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Golden, Colorado, will soon be the nation’s first facility that can conduct integrated megawatt-scale research and development of the components and strategies needed in order to safely move clean energy technologies onto the electrical grid “in-flight” at the speed and scale required to meet national goals.

A Unique Partnering Facility
This state-of-the-art facility will enable NREL and industry to work together to develop and evaluate their individual technologies on a controlled integrated energy system platform. Testing and optimization at megawatt scale will help reduce risks associated with early market penetration. Participation from utilities, equipment manufacturers, renewable systems integrators, universities, and other national labs and related industries that fully utilize ESIF’s capabilities will dramatically accelerate the research required to transform the energy system to one that is cleaner, more secure, and more reliable. Major electric system manufacturers and companies have already demonstrated interest in conducting their own research and development at the ESIF, once the facility is completed.

Energy Integration Research Focus
Research and development conducted in the ESIF will aim to overcome the challenges of integrating renewable energy into the electrical grid. These application and technology challenges span the entire electric power system — from generation to transmission, to distribution, and to end-use applications. Of particular focus are electric systems, buildings and facility systems, community power generation and microgrids, utility generation, thermal and hydrogen systems, energy efficient and advanced grid technologies, electricity system architectures, interoperability, and utility generation and grids that incorporate renewable energy (solar, wind, hydrogen, and advanced vehicles). Source

Labs and Equipment
To support these areas of research, the 182,500-sq. ft. ESIF will house approximately 200 scientists and engineers and a wide range of fully equipped, state-of-the-art laboratories and outdoor test areas, including:

• Power Systems Integration
• Smart Power
• Energy Storage • Electrical Characterization
• Energy Systems Integration
• Thermal Storage Process & Components
• Thermal Storage Materials
• Optical Characterization Lab
• Energy Systems Fabrication
• Manufacturing
• Materials Characterization
• Electrochemical Characterization
• Energy Systems Sensor
• Fuel Cell Development and Test
• Energy Systems High Pressure Test
Outdoor test areas
• 13.2 kV – medium voltage
• 480 V – low voltage
• Rooftop test area
• Energy Storage

In addition, the ESIF will include other key service and support features, such as:
• Research Electrical Distribution Bus (REDB)
• High Performance Computing Data Center (HPCDC)
• Hardware-in-the-Loop Prototyping at Megawatt-scale Power
• Collaboration and Visualization Rooms
• High Bay Control Room

Uniquely Tied Together
Integrated throughout the ESIF, the Research Electrical Distribution Bus (REDB) will function as the ultimate power integration “circuit” capable of utilizing multiple AC and DC buses that connect multiple sources of energy and interconnecting laboratories and experiments to test and simulate equipment. Running parallel with the REDB is a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system that monitors and controls facility-based processes and gathers and disseminates real time data for collaboration and visualization. Parallel with the REDB are the thermal and fuel infrastructures built into the ESIF that all together provide a variety of electricity, thermal power, and fuel type connections.

Hardware-in-the-Loop at Power
Hardware-in-the-loop simulation is not a new concept, but adding megawatt-scale power takes research to another level. Equipped with hardware-in-the loop simulators, the ESIF’s Smart Power Lab is the test lab for research and development of the power electronics components, circuits, and controls used in clean and sustainable energy integration. It will allow researchers and manufacturers to conduct integration tests at full power and actual load levels in real-time simulation, and evaluate component and system performance before going to market.

High Performance Computing Capabilities
In addition to high-tech collaboration and visualization rooms, the ESIF will include a high-performance computing data center (HPCDC) that will serve the breadth of NREL, expanding the laboratory’s capabilities in modeling and simulation of renewable energy technologies and their integration into the existingenergy infrastructure. The one-half petaflop scale (planned to be expanded to petaflop scale) will enable large-scale modeling and simulation of material properties, processes and fully integrated systems that would be too expensive, or even impossible, to study by direct experimentation. Not only will the HPCDC house the fastest computing system dedicated to energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies in the world, it will also be one of the most energy efficient data centers in the world, operating at a power usage effectiveness (PUE) rating of 1.06 or better.

Walking the Talk
The Energy Systems Integration Facility will not only meet the nation’s crucial research objectives for integrating clean and sustainable energy technologies into the grid, but will do it in a way that is safe, efficient, and respectful to its surrounding environment. The ESIF will be built in accordance with the U.S. Green Buildings Council’s standards and is expected, at minimum, to achieve LEED Gold Certification.

Energy Conservation Strategies
• Reuse of data center and High Bay laboratory waste energy to maximize building/campus heating
• Transfer of electrical energy (via REDB) from experiments between laboratories for simultaneous use/reuse
• Underfloor air distribution for interior cooling and ventilation;
outside air economizer
• Active radiant beams provide for perimeter cooling and heating • Evaporative-based central cooling meets ASHRAE 55 thermal
comfort range
• Natural ventilation mode with operable windows and ventilation shafts
• Daylighting with high efficiency lighting (lights off 10 AM to 2 PM)
• Energy Star rated equipment

ESIF Snapshot
• Cost: $135M
• Square feet: 182,500
• Occupants: ~200
• High performance computer: one-half petaflop scale; planned to be expanded to petaflop
• State-of-the-art electric systems simulation and visualization
• Component and systems testing at MW-scale power
• Integration of functioning systems with utility system simulations for real-time, real-power evaluation of high penetration scenarios

GreenHub Fuel Cells

January 25th, 2012

GreenHub 0.5KW – 4.2KW Hydrogen Fuel Cell Power Supplies for UPS AND Off-Grid Applications

The GreenHub uses Hydrogen Fuel Cells, How Does it Work?

How it works: Hydrogen is converted into electrical energy in a single electrochemical highly efficient step. Hydrogen is introduced into the anode side where it is split into protons and electrons. Protons pass through the membrane to reach the cathode where they react with oxygen in the air, while the electrons are forced to pass by external circuit to reach the cathode and recombine to form water, supplying electric energy and by-product heat in almost same power values than electrical power. Test Equipment Connection offers the complete Horizon suite of standby power systems that are able to run on bottled industrial hydrogen gas, or metal hydride canisters able to store renewable energy using PEM electrolyzers. The GreenHub line of UPS systems ranges from 500W to 2kW, and combines self-humidified PEM fuel cells from Horizon with system engineering by H2Planet, including innovative remote control features via GPRS using iPhones or PDAs.

Horizon GreenHub Fuel Cell Features:

  • Several power output systems available (0.5W-4.2kW)
  • Quick “turn-key” and user-friendly solution
  • Alternate & Direct Current for home or industrial electric devices
  • Can be used in remote locations (up to 2000m elevation)
  • Can be used indoors (no combustion, no toxic emissions)
  • Zero emission system (water & heat recovery possibilities optional)
  • UPS option (Greencap) available for support in power-grid failures
  • Can be monitored/controlled remotely using PC or mobile phone

ATS Thermal Engineering Webinar Series

January 18th, 2012

Advanced Thermal Solutions Kicks Off 2012 Thermal Engineering Webinar Series

Each webinar will thoroughly cover a different, important aspect of today’s electronics cooling at an engineering level.

Norwood, MA, January 14, 2012 – Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc, kicks off its 2012 monthly thermal engineering webinar series with its first three webinars of the new year, geared to mechanical and electrical engineers seeking to become more effective contributors within their organizations and better problem solvers in the eyes of senior management. The free technical webinars offer practical, detailed training in the increasingly important arena of thermal management and heat transfer. The online tutorials offer objective insights for all engineers, designers and program managers who want to learn more about the theoretical and practical aspects of electronic cooling.

Each of the one hour tutorials will include detailed visuals and real time discussion by an industry thermal management expert. Attendees can submit their questions during and after the presentation.

First Quarter 2012, ATS Webinar Dates, Titles and Descriptions:

January 19, 2012 – “What is The State of the Art in Thermal Management?” Start the New Year with an expert look at what is new, what to avoid and what to use in thermal management. Every year, new electronics cooling and heat transfer technologies enter the marketplace. Some of these will prove to be very effective, but many could turn out to be ineffective or very costly. This free ATS-sponsored webinar will cover the latest cooling options and explain each one’s salient features and benefits.

February 23, 2012 – “Thermal Management of Consumer Electronics” Consumer electronics are now being used in places that were once exclusive to business and military electronics. Products like Apple’s iPhone and iPad are sophisticated technologies with powerful processors housed in small spaces with restricted airflow. As a result, these devices, and others like them, are providing many new benefits, but they also bring higher thermal management needs. Attendees will learn the available cooling options, and important factors such as the importance of spreading resistance in component and system thermal management.

March 29, 2012 – “How to Perform and Understand Temperature Measurement in Electronic Systems” Attendees at this free ATS online tutorial will deepen their understanding of the importance of temperature measurement in electronic systems. They will learn about each of the instruments needed for measuring temperature and interpreting temperature data. The instructors will show the key locations inside electronics systems where thermal testing should be conducted to obtain the most accurate and actionable results.

Each free ATS webinar starts at 2:00 p.m. EST. The webinar topics scheduled for April through December will be released soon. Please visit to register for any or all of these online events, or call 781-769-2800. Seats for these online tutorials are limited.

Advanced Thermal Solutions provides a wide range of air and liquid cooling solutions and laboratory-quality thermal instrumentation. Their products include: thermVIEW the first commercially available turn-key thermochromic liquid crystal based image processing system, Wind Tunnels, Isothermal Plate Systems, Anemometers, Sensors, and Heat Flux Controllers.

The ATS Thermal Management Products Page is located HERE

Non-Contact Temperature Measurement

January 16th, 2012

Fluke Precision Infrared Thermometers

Fluke Precision Infrared Thermometers Offer a Broad temperature range, superior optics and the advanced extra-bright three-dot laser sighting system make Fluke 570 series thermometers the most advanced portable thermometers in the industry.

The Fluke 570 non-contact thermometers are ideal professional diagnostic tools for maintenance professionals requiring the most accurate temperature readings at all distances. The Fluke 570 series infrared (IR) measures surface temperatures, helping to quickly locate lubrication problems, overloads, short-circuits or misaligned and overheated equipment, reducing work and follow-up time, and improving performance. From close-up electrical connections, to distant room balancing checks, the Fluke 570 series can take IR temperature measurements with ease. Predictive maintenance professionals requiring analysis and documentation use the 574 model with 100-point data logging and included software for graphing and analysis for follow-up reporting and documentation.

The Fluke 574-NI Nonincendive Model
When safety is a concern and data logging and downloading are required, the Fluke 574 Nonincendive (NI) model thermometer is the product to choose. It has the same great features as the standard 574 model thermometers with the extra confidence of a Factory Mutual approval for use in hazardous environments*. *See specification table for details. The Fluke 574-NI thermometer, does not release enough electrical or thermal energy to ignite flammable gases or vapors under normal operational and environmental conditions.

Accurate measurements depend in part on accurately sighting a target. Fluke 570 series thermometers are the only thermometers with a sighting system designed to precisely track the infrared path as seen by the sensors. This enables the advanced coaxial three-dot laser sighting to accurately show both the center and the edges of the spot being measured, regardless of the thermometer’s distance from the target. This laser sighting also appears twice as bright to the human eye as normal lasers (while maintaining the same safety rating as less bright lasers), making precise sighting easier in a variety of lighting conditions and distances.

Fluke 574 Precision Infrared Thermometer Includes 572 Features and the following:

  • DIF/AVG measurement calculations instantly computed
  • 100 temperature data logging capability for easy route review
  • 30 pre-set common material emissivity values for most accurate temperature readings
  • Audible and visible HI and LO temperature alarm for instant recognition
  • Thermocouple K probe input for contact temperature measurements with same unit
  • Customizable log names, alarms, and emissivity values for more efficient, less error-prone predictive maintenance routes

Features Unique to the Fluke 574 Model

  • Windows-based (Windows NT/ 2000/XP) software for data storage and analysis
  • Software to log, graph, and analyze temperature data via RS232 connection

HIOKI Memory HiLOGGER Data Logger

January 12th, 2012

HIOKI Memory HiLOGGER Data Logger LR8402-20 – Portable Data Logger with 30 Standard Channels Expandable to 60 Channels

Only the size of an A4 sheet of paper, the HIOKI LR8402-20 is the realization of a goal to build a logger that provides the existing functionality of a multi-channel data logger in a portable format. The new model comes with 30 channel capability as standard, to which another 30 channels can be added. All input channels for measuring temperature, humidity, voltage and impedance are isolated for safety, culminating in a powerful multi-measurement system that also offers pulse and logic inputs. Long-term logging is coupled with the capability to protect data against unexpected power outages and other problems for stable recordings over an entire year (see note). Note: Continuous recordings lasting longer than 1 year are also possible.

Use in Fuel Cell, Electric Vehicle and other Development Applications

High Withstand Voltage
The HiLOGGER measures not only fuel cells, but also batteries for UPS (uninterruptible power supplies) devices used in buildings as well as batteries consisting of cells and packaging connected in stacks that require multi-point measurements. In such measurements, high voltage for the whole stack is applied between channel-to-channel and channel-to-ground. Only a measuring instrument with isolated inputs and high-capacity withstand voltage characteristics can endure this.

High-Speed Sampling
In the development of automobiles such as electric vehicles (EV) and plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHV) that use motors for propulsion, abrupt changes in load need to be measured. This makes the multi-channel, high-speed 10 ms sampling capability of the LR8400-20 Series an indispensable feature.

Multi-Channel Measurements
In the development of fuel cells, multiple power-generating cells are connected to form a stack. Independent measurements of each cell require multi-channel measurements of DC voltage, DC current, temperature and other parameters. The LR8400-20 Series comes with 30 channels as standard, which can be expanded to 60 channels.

■ Environmental measurements to prevent global warming
■ Development of fuel cell materials, energy field
■ Development of automobiles, testing of automobile parts
■ Maintenance and inspection of equipment
■ Monitoring plants
■ Testing of electrical products
■ Impedance testing of electronic parts

Multi-Channel Measurements

In the development of fuel cells, multiple power-generating cells are connected to form a stack. Independent measurements of each cell require multi-channel measurements of DC voltage, DC current, temperature and other parameters. The LR8400-20 Series comes with 30 channels as standard, which can be expanded to 60 channels.

High Withstand Voltage

The HiLOGGER measures not only fuel cells, but also batteries for UPS (uninterruptible power supplies) devices used in buildings as well as batteries consisting of cells and packaging connected in stacks that require multi-point measurements. In such measurements, high voltage for the whole stack is applied between channel-to-channel and channel-to-ground. Only a measuring instrument with isolated inputs and high-capacity withstand voltage characteristics can endure this.

High-Speed Sampling

In the development of automobiles such as electric vehicles (EV) and plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHV) that use motors for propulsion, abrupt changes in load need to be measured.
This makes the multi-channel, high-speed 10 ms sampling capability of the LR8400-20 Series an indispensable feature.

Highlights – Multi-Measurements

Measuring and Recording Temperature and Humidity
■ Measures and records a variety of transducer outputs (DC voltage)
■ The HiLOGGER comes with the high withstand voltage, isolated inputs required for measuring and recording battery cell voltages
■ Measures and records a resistance values

A Compact A4 Size Enhances Mobility
■ A compact A4 size footprint makes it ideal for use in virtually any environment.

Collecting Automotive Data
■ Ideal for testing and collecting data on the vibration characteristics of automotive parts

First Commercially Available Turn-key Thermochromic Liquid Crystal Based Image Processing System

January 11th, 2012

Advanced Thermal Solutions thermVIEW Liquid Crystal Thermographic Analysis Tool

The turnkey thermVIEW Thermochromic Liquid Crystal based temperature measurement system performs high-resolution thermography with precise temperature accuracy and micron level spatial resolution. The system provides greater range and flexibility while it is more cost-effective than alternative technologies. Applications for thermVIEW exist in a wide range of industries, including electronics thermal management and failure analysis, gas turbine heat transfer industries and academic laboratories.

The thermVIEW System uses the color response of thermochromic liquid crystals (TLC) for the purpose of temperature measurement. Liquid crystals reflect incident light at the visible wave length based on the temperature of the surface to which they are applied. The temperature response of liquid crystal is called the event temperature. When the surface is illuminated by white light and viewed under fixed optical conditions, the TLC material will reflect a unique wavelength distribution of visible light (i.e., color). As the temperature rises through the TLC’s bandwidth, the reflected color of the TLC will change. Finally, when the temperature exceeds the TLC’s clearing point temperature, the material will enter the pure liquid state and will revert back to being transparent. This phenomenon is selective reflection and occurs in most TLCs both on heating and cooling, and occurs with minimal hysteresis.

The reflected color distribution for most TLC materials will vary continuously from the longer wavelengths (i.e. red) corresponding to the event temperature to shorter wavelengths (i.e. blue) corresponding to the clearing point temperature. Additionally, a TLC material will also transmit a significant amount of the incident light with virtually no modification.

This color-temperature response can then be captured by a color camera, formulated into a calibration curve of color versus temperature and used to transform a color measurement system into a very accurate TLC based thermography system. In building efficient TLC-based thermography systems, thermVIEW™ technology and performance surpasses all other available methods,including Infra Red thermography.

TLC Color Temperature Calibration

thermVIEW built-in features allow fully automatic color-temperature calibration of virtually any TLC formulation available via the patented RS-232-enabled calibration device. This device permits the color-calibration data to be acquired by simultaneously using the camera to record the color response while it is being subjected to successively higher levels of temperature on a solid-state, PID-controlled test surface. The software then analyzes the color/temperature response and builds the calibration data.

Thermograph Analysis Tools

thermVIEW analysis tools provide users with dynamic data-probing capabilities with point value and linked X-Y data profile display. Users can interactively calibrate the physical-to-screen coordinate system for any image being analyzed. This feature gives thermVIEW operators a very simple and direct mechanism to make spatial measurements of the thermal phenomena present in their thermographs.

Processing Tools

thermVIEW processing tools allow users to “extract” a color or temperature image plane with Region Of Interest (ROI) control, create and apply “masks” (aids in determining valid regions of the image), perform thresholding and apply spatial filters on a loaded image interactively. Automatic conversion to temperature in user specified units (ºC, ºF, K, R) is supported using the TLC color-temperature calibration data.

Image Acquisition/Storage Software Features

thermVIEW has integral support for live, “onthe-fly” image acquisition, averaging and storage (TIFF file format) features. These include ROI specification using the built-in IMAQ Vision ROI tools along with full control of the frame grabber settings such as scaling and calibration. The system also supports image retrieval from disk for post-processing of archived images.

What is liquid crystal thermography? (LCT)

thermVIEW system uses the color response of thermochromic liquid crystals (TLC) for the purpose of temperature measurement. Liquid crystals reflect incident light at the visible wave length based on the temperature of the surface to which they are applied.

Does the chip or the board get destroyed as the result of ink/LC application?
No, ink and LC can be washed off with de-ionized water.

Can one reuse the LC treated surface?
Yes, as long as the surface is kept in a clean environment.

How often do I need to calibrate?
Typically every time the LC is applied to a new surface – a good measurement practice.

Are liquid crystals harmful?
No, but we do not recommend consuming them.

Can you use it for board level measurement?
Yes, LC can be used for any surface that can be treated with LC and trackable lighting.

Can you mix different liquid crystal compounds?
Yes, however, it will be difficult to determine the temperature because the same colors, reflecting a temperature, will appear repeatedly as the surface is heated.

Tabor Electronics Updates the Award Winning Pulse Master Series

January 5th, 2012

Offering More Connectivity Options, More Short Circuit Protection Options, with Excellent Trigger Accuracy and Performance.

Tel-Hanan Israel, January 2012 – Tabor Electronics has recently announced an upgrade to its award winning Pulse Master Series Waveform Generators. The new and upgraded PM8571A and PM8572A single and dual channel pulse waveform generators will support new interfacing options, short circuit protection and more accurate signals. The new Pulse Master Series has been upgraded to include a USB host enabling the loading and saving of waveforms and setups. Different devices such as a USB stick, CD ROM and DVD can be connected to the instrument to load previously programmed waveforms and setups without the need of a PC or Laptop.

Other additions to the new PM series include a 10Vpp short circuit protection for applications where there is a high risk of burning the output. Many applications utilizing pulses require extremely accurate and precise triggering capabilities, the new PM8571A and PM8572A now offer a trigger jitter lower than 100ps, providing users with extremely high levels of signal precision in their various testing scenarios.

About Tabor Electronics
Established in 1971, Tabor Electronics has become a world-leading provider of high-end signal sources, featuring: pulse, function and arbitrary waveform generators, high-voltage amplifiers, waveform and modulation creation software. Tabor has earned global recognition for its highly skilled workforce and innovative engineering capabilities. In addition to offering a full range of self-branded instruments, Tabor is also a world-class OEM that private-labels a variety of products for industry leaders. Technologically advanced, featuring the highest levels of performance, reliability, and most importantly, price-competitive, Tabor’s products are sought-after in a diverse array of applications.

The iQ-200 Thermal Measurement System

January 3rd, 2012

Take Temperature, Velocity, and Pressure Measurements with One System – The Advanced Thermal Solutions iQ-200

The ATS iQ-200 Thermal Measurement System is designed to be used wherever temperature, pressure, and velocity measurements are required, either simultaneously or individually. iQ-200 Thermal Measurement System measures temperature with twelve thermocouple ports supporting J, K, T and E types, with a range of -40 to 750oC. Air temperature is measured by sixteen thermister ports (also used for velocity measurement) with a range of -10 to 85oC. Sixteen hot wire anemometer ports measure velocity using ATS single-sensor technology, requiring no need to change sensors when measuring different velocity ranges. The standard range for velocity measurement is 0-6 m/s (1200 ft/min) and for custom calibration, the range is 0-50 m/s (10,000 ft/min). The iQ-200 also supports ATS’ unique, patented Candle Stick Sensor. Pressure is measured by four ports, supporting differential or absolute pressure, with a range of 0-1,035Pa (0-0.15 psi). User-friendly LabVIEWTM- based IQstage data acquisition software is included in the system. IQstage manages incoming data from various sensors and provides a rich graphical presentation of the results.

Application Domain for the iQ-200 Thermal Measurement System Includes:

  • Heat Sink Design and Selection
  • PCB Characterization
  • Card Rack (ATCA, PICMG, 1U, etc.) Characterization
  • Qualification testing in the environmental chamber,e.g., NEBS, Milspec, etc.
  • Mockup Testing
  • Wind Tunnel Testing of Cards, Heatsinks, Etc.

ATS has released the iQ-200 thermal analysis system for precisely and simultaneously measuring the temperatures of solid materials and the surrounding air, as well as tracking air velocity and air pressure at multiple points to comprehensively profile heat sinks, components and PCBs. (Source Advanced Thermal Solutions)

First White Spaces Platform Approved

December 23rd, 2011

FCC Approves Spectrum Bridge as First White Spaces Platform – Wilmington, New Hanover County, NC Set to Become the First TVWS Customer

LAKE MARY, FL, Dec 22, 2011 — Spectrum Bridge, Inc. today announces the launch of its TV White Space (TVWS) platform as the first solution approved to provide service in the United States. The company’s cloud-based spectrum management platform gives wireless broadband service providers access to TVWS frequencies while protecting TV broadcasters and other incumbent operations. This approach is essential in allocating additional unlicensed spectrum for wireless applications.

“We have taken a major step forward in advancing technology solutions that manage wireless frequencies,” said Rod Dir, CEO of Spectrum Bridge. “Now that the solution is approved by the FCC, TV White Space will be the proving ground for showing the market how our solutions can be used for other spectrum bands in the US and globally.”

The first TVWS network is being deployed with devices manufactured by KTS Wireless, the first product approved to operate in conjunction with the Spectrum Bridge TVWS platform.

“We are very excited to be a part of the next generation of wireless technology, creating innovative new applications that build on the unlicensed spectrum band,” said William Koos, President of KTS. “We have worked closely with Spectrum Bridge on many wireless trials and demonstrated that our technology along with the Spectrum Bridge platform will greatly enhance services in and around underserved communities.”

The company also announces the first commercial TVWS customer with the City of Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina. Wilmington was the first city to transition to digital TV, and quickly became the first Smart City trialing TVWS spectrum in 2010. Spectrum Bridge worked with wireless system integrator TV Band Service to deploy the network and will further develop the network to establish Wilmington as a test bed for TVWS technology.

“New Hanover County is proud to lead the nation with the first commercial installation of a white space network at our flagship park, Hugh MacRae,” said New Hanover County Commissioners Vice Chairman Jason Thompson. “We will be using this new technology to extend the range of our wireless networks beyond the parks and gardens and provide enhanced services to our citizens.”

Wilmington Mayor Bill Saffo also noted, “Wilmington is proud to continue its participation in wireless innovation. We continue to support the development of emerging wireless technology.”

Spectrum Bridge is building on this success by working closely with partners to further develop TVWS-compatible radio platforms and services. The company offers advanced wireless solutions and value added services that enhance the performance and management of TVWS networks. (source

About Spectrum Bridge, Inc.
Spectrum Bridge, Inc. (SBI) develops technology and intellectual property that virtualizes spectrum by giving wireless devices access to available bandwidth more efficiently. SBI’s cloud-based platform provides customers with greater network capacity, coverage and utilization through efficient allocation of spectrum resources. The company’s platform also enhances service providers and radio manufacturer’s solutions by utilizing a database-driven cognitive networking technology designed to promote co-existence. SBI was named a top innovator in the area of technology for its TV White Spaces network by the Andrew Seybold 2010 Choice Awards. The company is privately held and headquartered in Lake Mary, Florida. For more information, contact us at (866) 598-7426 or visit

What Channels Within White Space are Actually Available?

Spectrum Bridge has launched a Web site called that offers an easy online tool to find open TV channels available at any location in the U.S. Now there is a place to figure out what parts of “white space” are really accessible in a given location.