The Agilent 16802A Logic Analyzer

The Agilent 16802A Logic Analyzer

The Agilent 16802A is a standalone portable logic analyzer device with 68-logic acquisition channels and 32MB acquisition memory depth. It has a robust combination of logic analysis, pattern generation, and application software features that makes it an indispensable tool in debugging, validating, and optimizing a digital system.


The included 15 inch color LCD panel display for the Agilent 16802A logic analyzer has a touch screen option which shows up to 32 waveforms on the screen. The easy to read display allows the user to view more data and navigate quickly to and from required areas. Using only a single window, users are able perform complex measurements quickly. The analyzer also has the “Turn on” feature that enables the user to upgrade in the future as needs and requirements evolve. This effectively results in reduced equipment costs and helps to eliminate unneeded additional purchases.


The logic analyzer for the Agilent 16802A includes a state clock and offers data rates up to 450 MHz and up to 500 Mb/s consecutively. The data and clock rates enable the analyzer to perform synchronous sampling of signals. This enables the user to perform precise measurements on high-speed buses. The eye finder feature of this model allows the user to sample synchronous buses accurately and with a high confidence level in signal integrity. The Eye scan lets the user acquire signal integrity information on all the buses in a short period of time by automatically adjusting the threshold, setup, and holding, allowing the technician to identify problematic signals quickly.

Asynchronous Sampling Capabilities

With 250 ps resolution (4 GHz) timing zoom the Agilent 16802A logical analyzer can perform asynchronous sampling. This allows the user to view time-correlated data in chart or in source code with the analyzer and oscilloscope data display. The information gained can then be used to effectively track down problems across the analog and digital portions of the users system or to find hidden timing problems in the system without double probing.

Learn more about Asynchronous Sampling

Just like most of the Agilent 16800 series logic analyzers, the Agilent 16802A takes up to 15/230 Vdc +/- 20%. Setting up the analyzer for measurement is made a simple task by the analyzer. It basically enables the user to automate the measurement setup process. Additionally, the logic analyzer’s sampling position and threshold voltage settings are automatically determined this is convenient and it saves time.

Mainframe Features

The Agilent 16802A analyzer also will allow users to set up triggers, and it offers application support for complex designs or systems using the digital VSA (vector signal analysis), FPGA dynamic probe,, and bus support and broad processor features.  Other mainframe features include a large, 80 GB hard drive, a T LAN port( 10/100 Base), and six total USB 2.0 ports (four on the rear). It also includes a standard PCI expansion slot, and a express (x1) PCI slot. You can select a variety of memory depths including 1 M, 4 M, 16 M, and 32 M.

Learn more about  field-programmable gate array (FPGA)

Please contact us for a custom quote or for more information. These refurbished units are a great value for the money.

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John Bahng

John is a Hong Kong based test equipment industry executive active in buying, selling and repositioning of surplus wireless test equipment assets for import and export. You can find him on
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