Agilent E4440A PSA Spectrum Analyzer Review

Agilent E4440A PSA Spectrum Analyzer Review

Known industry wide as for its superb accuracy and speed, the Agilent E4440A is a powerful spectrum analyzer that is optimized for carrying out measurements in the 3 Hz to 26.5 GHz range. This truly powerful test solution is designed to offer an absolute amplitude accuracy of +/-0.19 dB and also an excellent average noise level of -155 dBm.


The E4440A spectrum analyzer provides operators with an analysis bandwidth of 10 MHz in the basic mode. The technician is able to measure and capture complex signals by employing the optional 40 MHz or 80 MHz. These options are suitable for applications that require an analysis bandwidth that is not achievable in the basic mode. The spectrum analyzer also offers a third order intermodulation of -78 dB for 80 MHz or 40 MHz analysis bandwidth. It is specifically optimized for carrying out calibrated VSA measurements and features  up to 300-MHz analysis bandwidth for such measurements.

View single tone dynamic range measurements in  Agilent PSA E4440A.

The E4440A spectrum analyzer also offers an impressive ACLR dynamic range of 81 dB W-CDMA. It achieves a -118 dBc/Hz phase noise with an offset value of 10 kHz, and the DANL value of the E4440A can be improved to -169 dBm by employing a preamp.

Versatile with Advanced Features

Engineers and technicians can perform various measurement exercises by taking advantage of E4440A analyzer’s versatility by utilizing the advanced features and wide selection of built-in hardware options and measurement personalities. It conveniently offers Agilent’s renowned PowerSuite as a standard. This one-button feature of  Agilent’s PowerSuite finds numerous applications in the measurement of channel power, multi-carrier power, adjacent channel power, intermod (TOI), harmonic distortion, burst power, and spurious emissions. Additionally, the E4440A includes a MATLAB data analysis tool that is perfect for carrying out general data analysis, data visualization, and measurement automation.

Learn more about MATLAB here.

For measuring and monitoring complex microwave and RF signals, the E4440A offers high-performance and increased productivity. The spectrum analyzer is optimized for applications in the 3 Hz to 26.5 GHz range, and users can expand this range by using the optional external mixing. The Agilent external mixer expands the frequency coverage to 110 GHz. Moreover, operators can expand the frequency coverage to 325 GHz by employing other vendors’ mixer.

Smart Technology for Better Performance

The smart technology of the E4440A helps reduce many measurement uncertainties, which ultimately results in better yields and improved test margins. It will consistently observe numerous analyzer conditions and can easily determine if or when internal adjustments are needed. Superior linearity and precision (typical ± 0.19 db) help reduce the situations needing a power meter. It is also capable of digital demodulation.


The E4440A spectrum analyzer is designed for a wide range of applications. Its leading-edge combination of speed, accuracy, flexibility, analysis bandwidth, and dynamic range makes it a fine solution if needing a spectrum analyzer for use in R&D and manufacturing. In addition, the E4440A is an excellent choice for applications in cellular and wireless communications, defense, and aerospace.

Please contact us for more information and a quote.

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John Bahng

John is a Hong Kong based test equipment industry executive active in buying, selling and repositioning of surplus wireless test equipment assets for import and export. You can find him on
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